"I'll do anything for you"

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Two months and a week have passed, ever since the kid's birthday jungkook hasn't been the same, he's become distance with taehyung.  Taehyung tried to talking things out with jungkook several times and put so much effort into their relationship but jungkook rejected it, pretty much ignoring taehyung most of the time. It made taehyung sadder by the day which jungkook clearly saw, he was happy knowing taehyung was hurting everyday. Their friends noticed and tried helping them by setting them up multiple times but nothing Worked, Jungkook didn't want it to work. He liked watching the older suffer in pain. Taehyung didnt have the strength to fight, to get back at the younger because of his pregnacy, the only thing he could do is fight for his relationship that he ruined.

Rose was driving taehyung home after  she accompanied the older to the hospital for his ultrasound appointment, since jungkook couldn't, cause suppossedly he was "busy" 

"These pictures look so cute! Look!!" Taehyung showed rose the ultrasound pictures of his babies.

"I already saw them tae" rose giggled.

"Sorry sorry, i just cant stop admiring the pictures" he smiled and hugged the ultrasound pictures. "I bet these picture are going to bring a big smile to jungkook, i just know it"

"You're still going to show him the pictures? After he didnt even go with you to the appointment to know the gender of the baby's, nor to at least be your support?"

"Rose please, he said he was busy, and he couldnt come okay?"

"Busy with what exactly?"

Taehyung stayed quiet. "He didnt want to tell me... and i understand if he doesn't want to tell me"

"you always yell at him till he tells you"

"I didnt want to fight with him again, i'm trying to save our marriage, and fighting isnt going to fix anything!" he teared up.

Rose stayed silent and sighed. "You're right.. im sorry"

".... No Its okay, i would of said the same and not show him the pictures but maybe this can fix a part of my marriage, and jungkook will start to realize that he needs to take responsibility of the baby too, of our babies"

Rose nodded "yeah, you're right, plus no one can resist on seeing those beautiful baby pictures, especially jungkook, they're pictures of his baby and he should be happy to see them, like am i right or am i right?"

"You're right!" taehyung chuckled. "I cant wait to see his reaction!" He smiled.

"You better tell me every detail babes" rose giggled.

"Oh I will"

Rose parked the car in the drive way. "Okay we're here"

Taehyung nods and unbuckles his seatbelt. "Thank you for dropping me off, i'll see you tomorrow so we can decorate for jungkooks birthday" he smiled.

"Okay" rose smiled back.

"Oh and please take care of my little boys"
(Rose was taking care of the kids for some time now, she didn't want the kids witnessing their parents fighting nor arguing)

"I will dont worry tae"

Taehyung nodded and got his envelope of the baby pictures and opens the car door getting out, he closes the door and walks towards his house going in as rose drives away.

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