Messy Room, Stitches and Pot

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Once your heart seemed to stop beating so quickly, you allowed yourself to think about what had just happened.

Clint Barton had revealed in the worst possible way that your first friend at the Institute was a transgender boy, and you were in danger of being arrested or receiving a lawsuit because you broke his nose.

"Stop thinking about it." That's the first thing Wanda says to you in the car. She doesn't have to take her gaze off the road to feel your latent anxiety. "Barton is too much of a sexist to admit to the cops that he got beat up by a girl. He won't press charges against you."

You nod, trying to swallow the panic away. Wanda sighs lightly, letting go of the steering wheel only to remove her jacket. She continues driving then, in the most casualness in the world as if you weren't having a little homosexual breakdown with every glance you risked at her pretty everything.

"All it took was one fancy school for you to come back, huh, Rogers?"

You blink at the teasing, and then turn away from the girl you can barely recognize now - with her dark makeup, and ear piercings - onto the road.

With your silence, Wanda mutters again.

"Couldn't even show up at my brother's memorial, but for a fancy school..."

"Don't talk like that." You retorted with a loud sigh. Wanda chuckles wryly, leaning an arm on the window. "I wanted to be here."

"But you weren't." She retorts without looking at you. "You know who was? Remember that kid in elementary school who tied everyone's shoes at recess? Even he was there, Y/N. He wore black jeans and offered me his condolences. Even him. But not you."

You swallowed dryly, feeling tears forming in your eyes. Instead of crying, you cleared your throat.

"I was in England when my father called me." You recount. "Because of the time difference, he waited until it was daylight for us to call my dad. And when I finally heard, it was too late to come to the memorial."

Wanda sighs, absorbing your words for a moment. She turns a corner toward the city, and comments with the greatest calm on the planet:

"You could have come at any time, and it would have meant the same thing. But you just want to use empty excuses like the freaking time zone? Fuck you, Y/N."

"Why are you talking as if I haven't tried to contact you at all? I sent you postcards!" You recruit almost indignantly. Wanda laughs dryly.

"I wanted you!" She shouts back, and you widen your eyes slightly. But the girl sighs loudly, steering the car to the roadside. With the vehicle stopped, she leaves her hands on the steering wheel. "You were my best friend. And my brother died and I didn't want a stupid letter, I wanted you. Okay?"

You hug your knees, looking forward too.

"Yeah, I know the feeling."

Wanda chuckles humorlessly, shaking her head. "Come on, it's not the same-"

"And why not, Wanda?" You cut her off irritated. "Because we knew my father was going to die?"

"Well, at least you could prepare yourself-"

"Oh my God, fuck you!" You curse angrily, but to your surprise, Wanda stares at you for half a second before she starts to laugh. Real laughter, like putting your hand on your stomach and crying. You stare at her in pure confusion. "W-what... Are you having a stroke or something?"

Once she can breathe normally, she wipes away the tears of laughter and comments:

"I think this is the first time in my life I've ever heard you swear. You've always been such a slabak. So adorable." She was clearly teasing you in Sokovian dialect by her easy smile, and you grunted indignantly, pinching her in the ribs even though you didn't know what it meant. Wanda just laughed, jumping slightly away from your hands before starting the car again.

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