The Halloween Party

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"That tickles."

Wanda smiles at your speech, the touch of the brush firm. "Stop moving, or you'll mess it up." She instructs, and though you huff softly, you obey her. And it doesn't take long for her to pull away. "There. See, that wasn't so hard. You're ready, now we can go." She said as she put her makeup away, and you looked away from her to turn your chair and look in the mirror.

You two were making an interesting pair. The Addams couple and Wanda needs some applause for that dress. Your suit was comfortable, but Gomez's mustache was funny.

"Let's go soon, I think the party may have already started." She repeated, now holding a purse. Before she leaves, however, you hold her hand.

"What are our rules?"

Wanda sighs lightly, staring at you. "If things get weird or dangerous, we go home." She says, and you raise an eyebrow. With another sigh, she continues. "Without question or stubbornness. In the same second, because our safety is more important."

You smile, kissing her on the cheek. "That's right, secret agent." You tease. "Ready?"

The party was taking place not far from the campus, and in fact, you almost slapped yourself for not imagining that the abandoned train tracks would serve as a meeting place for teenagers and young adults wanting to drink and do drugs.

At the end of the track, there were abandoned railroad cars, and from a distance, you could already hear the loud music or see the colored lights that were spread around. They had turned one of the guard booths into a DJ booth, and another one held a fridge for possible rain. Fortunately, it didn't look like it was going to rain anytime soon.

Although the party was taking place in an open place, where parked cars lined up to guide the way to the guests, there was an entrance of some sort. And the tall young man at the door was some kind of security guard.

Wanda held your hand as soon as she spotted him. "Just follow my lead."

"What...?" You questioned confused, but she silenced you gently and went back to walking.

Two girls with Westview High jackets covering their short costumes stepped into the opening between the train cars in front of you, but as soon as the tall boy at the door spotted you two, he put a hand out in your way.

"Did you get lost on the way to kindergarten, cuties?"

Mocked the man who stank of cigarettes and booze. His hair was loose along his shoulders, and he flashed a sharp-toothed grin at you.

Wanda lifted her chin, covering part of your body with hers. "Get out of the way, Creed. The party is open to the public."

The man laughs, crossing his arms. "Open to the public my ass, Maximoff. You need an invitation from someone at RedRoom, and you and your little friend are not on the list-"

"I came with Romanoff." Wanda lies, but the boy chuckles wryly.

"Everyone knows she hates you. Go home." He insists angrily, but Wanda doesn't hesitate.

"Catch up on the gossip, Sabretooth, we're together again." Wanda retorts, and you try to disguise your discomfort at the lie. Luckily, the man seems angry enough not to notice you.

"Don't call me that, you little shit!" He warns between teeth.

Wanda releases your hand to raise them in surrender, a fake giggle escaping. "Hey, hey, it was just a joke." She tries. "Come on, Victor, let us through. We're here to have some fun. And we will expend some money too."

He grumbles irritatedly, rolling his eyes. "Okay, but stay out of trouble, you hear? No Romanoff will bail you out if you cause trouble tonight."

Wanda raised an interested eyebrow. "Tonight? What's so special about tonight?"

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