Waterfalls Picnics

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A 'Save the Abandoned Neighborhood' flyer with information from the most recent petition and protest at City Hall was crumpled next to the last can of coke Wanda had put on the table.

The garage was well lit - You left the door open, and dragged, with her help, half the items out to clean the place. It was Saturday, and it was pleasantly windy so that even after the physical exertion of cleaning the small dwelling, you still had an open flannel covering your torso.

Wanda was having a good time watching you kick the wooden bars upstairs.

"Shit!" You gasped with a surprised laugh when the last one fell, allowing passage to the next commode. You grabbed a broom-one of the many cleaning items you brought from the Club-and poked at the old steps to make sure they wouldn't give way before you stepped on. "Come on, Wands, it's safe to go."

"I'm resting." She purrs lazily, sitting in the armchair. You threaten her with the broom, and she laughs before getting up and following you upstairs.

Your old house is just as you remember it, except for the dirt and mold growing on some of the walls. You sigh wearily as you see the amount of work you would have to do to completely renovate a place like this.

"Hey, do you remember this?" Wanda asked once you were upstairs in your old room. You had just finished checking that the windows were still safe to touch when she touched erased strokes on the wall that made you smile.

"Of course, I remember." You retorted nostalgically, moving closer to her.

Three scratches on the wall marked the heights of children and their ages. One for you, and two for the twins. Wanda caressed her brother's with a sad smile, and you held her hand, resting your face on her shoulder.

"We had such fun here, detka." Wanda whispers, before lowering her hand. "Pietro totally had a crush on you." She teases then, to which you let out an indignant exclamation, pulling away to look at her.

"No, he didn't!"

She laughs lightly. "It's an effect you have on this family, accept the truth."

You blush and roll your eyes, but follow her laughter. "For your information, he was the first to know that I..." But you fall silent, realizing that you never told Wanda that.

She raises her eyebrows in curiosity. "You?"

Clearing your throat in shame, you shake your head and face your feet. "It's silly, let's keep going. We have work to do."

Wanda looks at you suspiciously. "What is it? Tell me..." She insists, following you around.

You laugh, your face growing warm. "It's no big deal, Pietro was just the first person I told that I liked you."

Wanda lets out a surprised exclamation. "What?"

You shrug. "Yeah, but I don't think he even got it right." You mutter, now in the kitchen beating the built-in cabinets with the broom to make sure no rats or raccoons are hiding in there. "Remember when you had that super important piano test for the French school? I wanted to wish you good luck before you left, but I missed the train and got late. Pietro was at home, he thought it was funny that I woke up so early and came all over his home alone just to wish you good luck, and I don't know, I just confessed that for a friend like you, every effort was worth it." You counter with a nostalgic chuckle, busying yourself with the cabinets to notice the way Wanda is looking at you. "It sucks that you didn't get the scholarship."

Wanda swallows dryly, leaning on the countertop. "But I got the scholarship, Y/N."

You make a confused face, staring at her. "What?"

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