Promises to keep and mysteries to solve

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You tried to decide during the way back the best way to explain everything to your friends, but as soon as you stepped into the entrance of the Institute, the Drax guard practically materialized on your side like a ghost.

"Miss Rogers, the Dean was looking for you earlier." Informed the man seriously, completely ignoring your recent fright. "Would you please accompany me to the principal's office?"

Well, that's terrible.

The principal's office was clean and well-organized. And you would have smiled at the pictures of Wanda, Pietro, and Erik on one of the shelves if you hadn't been so nervous.

"Professor Charles has not returned yet, I will be speaking with you, Miss Rogers." Announced a female voice at the door, and you swallowed dryly, nodding in agreement to Vice Principal Ororo Munroe entering the room where Drax had kept you waiting.

She sat in his armchair, so majestically and comfortably that she could be mistaken for the real leader of that place.

"Actually I prefer Miss Stark." You mumble clumsily but Ororo smiles gently.

"Well, Miss Stark, my affairs are not pleasant I'm afraid." She begins seriously. "There was an assault in the campus parking lot this morning. The victim refuses to talk about it, and the only witness, Miss Hill, reported that it was boys from State College responsible for the attack, and that is why Professor Charles is not here. He has gone to check the matter with their principal." She recounts.

"I didn't see any fight, Ororo, why am I here?" You questioned quickly, and the principal hesitated, studying your face.

"Are you sure, Miss Stark?" She insisted. "Some students have reported seeing you speeding off in an old pickup truck. And besides, your hand..."

You pulled your arm away on instinct, clearing your throat. "It was a stupid accident, Miss Munroe. I like... crafting." You lie as best you can, and it seems to work because she raises an eyebrow in surprise. "I guess I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time, and my injury is an inopportune coincidence. You wouldn't suggest that I would assault a boy that size, or anyone for that matter, to say the least."

Ororo sighs, nodding. "You are right, Miss Stark, it would be foolish to think that you would risk your scholarship with something as brutal as a physical assault on a colleague. Forgive me for the misunderstanding." She says, and you have to swallow dryly because you notice the warning tone in her words. Don't get out of line again written in her eyes. "That hand looks sore. If you prefer, you can take the day off from afternoon classes. I'm sure the rest will be well appreciated. I'll notify Professor Charles that we talked."

You nodded, getting up awkwardly. Ororo clearly had no way to prove your involvement, so she merely gave you a warning. You were not going to press your luck and wasted no time in returning to your dormitory.


'You can have me but cannot hold me;

Gain me and quickly lose me.

If treated with care I can be great,

And if betrayed I will break.'

You turned the card between your fingers, resting it on your chin again, a sad smile on your lips.

Your legs were stretched out on your bed, and you were staring at the ceiling as you waited for Yelena to appear.

She was the first one you had texted since Kate had an archer's club and Peter had an organic chemistry class.

The blonde appeared about fifteen minutes after you said you were back, with a skateboard in one hand and two hot dogs in a bag in the other. She said she had bought them for you two, but as soon as she saw your bruised hand resting on your stomach she went wide-eyed.

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