The End of a Mystery

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A/N-> So, the last chapter is here people! I made an extra chapter with some deleted scenes that I'll publish after this one. All of your reviews were read and truly appreciated, every compliment even the smallest one has a special place in my heart. Thank you all <3


A little breathlessly, you reached the last step.

The door to the lighthouse was open, and once you stepped through, the sun's rays hit your face causing you to narrow your eyes and bow your head.

Wanda turned her face as she heard you coming. "You took your time, malysh. I thought I was going to have to pick you up." She teases making you smile.

Loosening the tie around your neck, you approach her, taking the empty seat next to her. Wanda looks away, to the sunset, and so do you.

"Sorry, my father got a little carried away at the end." You explain with a tired sigh. "But the place is sold at last."

Wanda looks at you again, and nods in understanding, moving her free hand to your thigh. "How are you feeling?"

You shrug. "Well, I guess. It's not like I didn't already think the house was sold. It was like saying goodbye to the same thing twice." You try to explain, and Wanda nods, moving closer to kiss your cheek. You smile and move your hand to hers on top of your thigh. With a soft sigh, you complete, "He took some of the money, too. Jen guided the whole thing, and Dad wanted to make sure Clint gets some help with the treatment."

Wanda sees the way your shoulders are tense and settles a little closer against you. "What about his hearing? Will it come back?"

You swallow dryly and deny it with your head. "We're going to pay for everything, though. I wanted it that way. Even if he... you know."

"I know." Wanda interrupts with a sad smile. "I told Dad and Charles about that by the way." You are surprised, and Wanda sighs. "I was hoping they would come here, and participate, but Dad said he didn't want to. And Charles doesn't think it's his place. The two of them have moved on, you see. I guess it's my turn now."

You squeezed her hand and moved your head to kiss her forehead. "We will be doing it together, Wands, that's all that matters."

That makes her smile. Wanda rests her head against your shoulder and waits for the sunset to be almost over before making any mention of getting up.

Releasing her hand to hold the urn of ashes more firmly, she stands. You follow her to the edge of the lighthouse.

Down below, on the beach, a small crowd is forming, and you point for Wanda to look at. She gives a confused laugh when she does so.


"The original mystery club." You say giving a corner smile. "Well, the second original, of course." You joke, waving to all your - and Wanda's - friends below. "They wanted to say goodbye to Pietro too."

She smiles half tearfully, and you slip an arm around her shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, Wanda opens the urn. "That's him. What's left at least." She murmurs. "This lighthouse was his favorite place."

You move your hand to her back, and stroke it to reassure her. Wanda swallows dryly, looking on the verge of tears. She moves one hand to take yours and places both on the urn.

"Teper' ty mozhesh' pokoit'sya s mirom, starshiy brat. YA budu v bezopasnosti i bol'she ne budu odna." She whispers before tilting the urn, causing Pietro's ashes to fly in the wind.

You just hold Wanda for a moment, the sunset gives way to night, and the club folks set up a bonfire. There is a small space for Pietro's urn in a compartment of the lighthouse now, and Wanda stows the item there before sitting back down.

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