The Mystery Club

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You were sleeping on something very soft and instinctively snuggled down tighter, sinking your face onto what you imagined was one of your pillows.

But a hoarse laugh filled your ears, and then a female voice in the same tone "Are you comfortable, detka?" teased, and you opened your eyes in confusion and sleepiness.

The room was dimly lit, and you adjusted as you grew accustomed to the awakening. Wanda's hand slid down your back, and you looked up, finding her expression drowsy like your own.

"Good morning." She barely finished speaking and you already jumped away with a lack of grace, curling up in the covers that wrapped the two of you and falling out of bed with a loud thud.

Wanda laughed heartily at your flushed face and your grimace. "Man, why didn't you just push me away, this is so embarrassing." You muttered ashamedly, but the girl tilted her head, watching you climb onto the bed with a little smile on her lips.

"Don't be silly, Y/N, we used to sleep in the same bed all the time." She gently reminds you. You grunt clumsily as you sit up in bed again.

"When we didn't have boobs!" You retort mortified, but Wanda just gives a devilish giggle.

"So what, you found them quite comfortable all night long. Good thing I took my piercings out..."

"Wanda!" You interrupt her awkwardly, your face burning that you hide in the pillows as you throw yourself on the bed next to her. She laughs at your reaction. "That's so humiliating, I'll never look at you again."

She stops laughing with an indignant exclamation. And to test your sanity, she simply climbs on top of you, hugging you and pressing her breasts into your back.

"Don't you dare." She warns against your ear. "You stayed away long enough, I want you all to myself now." She whispers, bringing a shiver to your entire body. You swallow dryly, trying to control your heartbeat as Wanda inhales deeply into the back of your neck. "Malysha, you still smell the same, I really missed..."

A very inconvenient sound was about to escape your throat as Wanda adjusted one of her legs in between yours - But knocks on the door made you both jump in fright, the little bubble broken.

Wanda grunted annoyed against you, before rolling to the side, and you stood up on shaky legs, trying to adjust your hair before reaching for the doorknob.

Yelena frowned at your appearance. "Dude, why are you still in your pajamas?" She questioned, and as you turned your face to check your watch to confirm that you were late, the blonde noticed the girl on your bed. "Never mind, I see why. Good morning Wanda!"

Wanda offered a smile and a nod, but you were grunting in complaint at not having been woken up, and stumbling around behind a decent outfit for class and your toothbrushes.

"Just give me a minute Lena, I just need to find a shirt!" You prompted, but Yelena was more interested in talking to Wanda.

"No one better see you here, Maximoff or you two are going to get in trouble." Recalls the blonde, but Wanda settles herself better against your bed, propping both arms behind her head.

"I'll be quiet, I promise." She says innocently, and you raise your head from your sneakers to her.

"Are you sure? I have a full schedule today. I don't want you to get bored waiting for me here." You tell her, adjusting the calf of your vans.

Wanda chuckles. "Well, I can always say hello to my old colleagues."

Yelena shakes her head in disapproval, waving goodbye and saying she will wait for you outside. You finish putting on your shoes and look half hesitantly at Wanda.

The Mystery Club - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now