You know what they do to guys like us in prison? (1)

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AN: So I wrote a frerad cuz why not? Btw I think Frank is 27 and Gerard is 29. This is during their killjoy era, so yas, gee has the amazing Red hair.
I hope you enjoy.
Also my "you" might end up being "u" cuz I cant be arsed to write "you".

"Listen to me Frank, do you want to be sent to MAX security" screamed Tanner at my face.
Honestly, who does fucktard think he is? And why the  fuck is he talking to me?

"What the heck did I do now? Get the fuck off my case Tanner and find yourself a woman instead of Kristy at the prison reception!" I said, my arms flying about in the air.

"That's it Iero, your going to the worst place known to prison-man-kind!" He yanked my arm and started to drag me down the stairs.
"What? You mean your office?" I retorted, knowing I crossed my limits.

Oh well, I had nothing to lose.

Tanner took me down into the basement which led to a room which led to MAX.

"Ooo kinky are we Tanner?" I smirked as he manhandled me.
I had been here far too many times to even give a shit.
The longest I stayed there was about 3 weeks, it was really depressing.

Your there all alone, with nobody to talk to but yourself, which is horrible because I am my worst enemy.

"Stay here, you little piece of emo shit!" He yelled as he slammed my door.

And I'm the emo? He should consider joining Bring Me The Horizon.

Nah, there too good.

I sat there, on the cold concrete floor, all alone.

This is what life was, all thanks to Bert.

I lay there, on the floor, thinking what I had done to deserve this. I was an innocent gay kid who listened to rock music and had a shit ton of tattoos for a 17 year old!

This is what happened to me whenever I was in MAX, I became  Taylor Swift, but the Emo gay version.
Just get me a guitar and a blonde wig and BAM, say hello to Fraylor Swiero.. (What the fuck soz)
"Hello? Is someone there?" I heard someone.

"Erm, hello? How in the name of sweet coffee did u hear me?" I said as I shifted near the left wall because that's where I could hear the human.

"Oh my gosh! Never ever use the name of coffee in vain child!!" Was all I got back.
"Oh I'm so sorry, please forgive me Lord...Erm lord whateverYourNameIs"
I said as I knocked on the wall.

"My name is Gerard Fucking Way, now can you stop knocking on my wall? it's irritating!" He said as he banged the wall himself.

"Oh okay then, name is Frank Iero, how did you get in here and how do I not know you?"

"I got here yesterday actually, that's why. And I kinda kicked one of the guards in the crotch, he tried to touch my ManlyHood, I mean come on, this isn't "Orange is the new black'" he said as he sighed.
"Wait, what's that?" I asked shyly.
What the fuck is that? A show?

"How can you not know what Orange is the new black? Boy have you been here for a long time!"

Yes, my GayOmeter indicated that this little fucker is gay. I'm not a judgmental person, but I can just tell.

"I've been here for about 10 years, so yeah I dont know anything after the IPod nano. Also, you must be gay, no offence, I'm gay, but I'm like Kim Kardashian like that and just know."

"Yeah, I'm gay, Kim Kardashian, why were you put here anyway?" He asked and I heard him tapping some tune on the wall.

Wow, I never knew that these walls were paper thin.

"Long story and I'm too tired to talk so so long and goodnight Gerard" I said as I tapped the wall one more time and dozed off.

"Goodnight my friend l" I heard him say.
Guess I just got friend zoned by a guy I haven't even seen.

AN: lol, I'm so excited to write this thing because I have a lot of ideas.
I hope I haven't offended anyone with some of my things but hey,
Deal with it XD

And I'm gone.


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