Late Night Talkin'

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^^see what I did there 😎

Anyways, enjoy! They get a lil closer in this chapter! :)

"Oi! Lou!." Niall calls after him as he enters the kitchen. "We gotta job tonight."

Louis tries desperately to contain the rolling of his eyes. "What the fuck is it?"

"Some guy Randy? Works at the deli over on 8th, a real tool apparently." Niall scrounges for food, settling on a chocolate cookie his mother had left in a batch on the counter top to cool. "Hasn't paid in two months, he keeps dodging Antonio."

"Bloody hell." Louis moans. "Theres never a shortage of fucking douchbags in this job are there?"

"Who's a douchebag?" Zayn asks, entering the kitchen.

"Randy, the fuck head we gotta go after tonight." Niall answers.

"I mean, how many skulls do you have to fucking bash in before people start taking you seriously?" Louis rants. "We have a reputation in this town, and yet people still try to fuck us over!"

"Jesus Lou, relax." Zayn rubs at his shoulder. Louis wasn't one to have outbursts, he was the calm one out of the three, the voice of reason in their chaotic and power hungry heads.

"Sorry I'm just..." He pauses, shaking his head in an effort to clear it. "Just tired I guess."

"You know what you need Lou?" Niall says, taking another cookie and eating it in almost one fluid bite. "You need your dick sucked."

"Piss off Niall!" Louis shouts as he leaves the kitchen.

Randy was apparently much more of a scumbag than any of them had even known. It was easy to put a gun to his beady little head after seeing the disgusting display they saw upon walking into his store. Louis felt anger turning inside him; it made his blood boil as he saw the young girls; shirtless and cutting lines of coke into batches. They barely looked 16. The bullet he fired into his head was by far the easiest. 

"Jesus." Louis cursed. "Zayn! Give those girls some fucking blankets or something, help them cover up!" Zayn obliged, his hard demeanor softening as he handed them whatever blankets and towels he found nearby. The girls frantically covered themselves, frightened and huddled. A few questions revealed that the girls were russian refugees, Randy had purchased them in a back alley through an illegal human trafficking ring. With a few quick phone calls, Louis was able to find a shelter that was willing to take them in. His stomach felt ill. Louis has seen the ugliest parts of human kind and yet some things were still able to make him feel sick to his stomach. "He got off too easy...we should have ripped his teeth out while he was still alive." Louis gritted, leaning over his body in disgust.

"Should've cut his fucking dick off is what we should've done." Niall says.

"What's your obsession with dicks lately?" Zayn shoves at his chest.

"What? Some people deserve to get their dicks chopped off and others deserve to have it sucked?" Niall says, as if it's the smartest thing anyone has said. "Louis here for example-"

"Enough." Louis deadpans. "Get him out of here, I don't want to look at his ugly fucking face anymore."


They get home late. They trudge through the door, loosening their ties as they do. The kitchen table is set with three plates, mash potatoes, chicken legs and his mothers homemade mac and cheese. Normally Louis would have scarfed it down in a heap, but he wasn't particularly hungry tonight. It's hard to be hungry after witnessing such vomit worthy activity. The boys apparently feel the same as they scurry past the dinner table and up to their rooms.

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