Your Eyez Only

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"You came back." Harry smiles and Louis wants to cry at the thought of the times where he said he would come back and didn't. He wonders if Harry was waiting, just like he was today, only to see the door never open, or when it did, have Zayns face behind it.

"I did." Louis smiles back, taking a seat next to him and watching as Harry shovels the food into his mouth.

"What did Zayn end up wanting?" Harry talks between bites.

"Oh, he just wanted to borrow a tie. Apparently he's going on a date." Louis scoffs playfully.

"Oooo a date." Harry coos, biting on a particularly salty fry. Louis looks at him, all chewing mouth and soft expression, he wonders how on earth Harry walks by people everyday without them falling helplessly in love with him. It doesn't seem possible. "What?" Harry says when he notices Louis' gaze.

"Nothing. You're just...really stunning."  Louis admires.

"Stoooop." Harry blushes, taking another mouthful of french fry.

"You are though." Louis laughs. "hey do you play ukulele?" Harry pauses around another mouthful and looks over at him.

"I do yeah, why?"

"I just like, saw one in your room that night and...just curious I guess." Louis blushes but desperately wishes he didn't. It was kind of hard to maintain his tough mobster, literally carry-a-gun-at-your-ankle-at-all-times vibe, when Harry was constantly making him feel like a puddle of melted honey.

"Yeah I started playing when I was like twelve, I only know a few songs but it relaxes me I guess." Harry says. He leans in and gives Louis a small peck to his cheek. "Maybe I can play for you sometime." And god if that doesn't feel like a promise that Louis wishes he could fold up and put in his pocket.

"I'd love that." Louis says simply, stealing a fry from Harry's container and laughing when Harry grimaces at him.

"You know what I'd love?" Harry asks, placing his container on the bed side table and moving to straddle Louis' waist so he's sitting in his lap.

"What's that?" Louis hums as Harry works over his neck.

"I'd love..." Harry lightly bites the spot before Louis' collarbones and he hisses. "If you would lay me out on this bed..." His tongue swipes over the spot he just bit and Louis is feeling lightheaded, lost in the way Harrys' breath hotly runs over his skin. "Take my clothes off..." Harry lightly tugs at the hair on the nape of Louis' neck. "And fuck me." Louis has to hold back a moan, caught in his throat as Harry opens his mouth to kiss him. It's wet and hot and Louis is straining so hard against his pants as Harry lightly grinds into him. He's so lost in it, the thought of having Harry in that way makes him nervous but he wants it, he wants it so bad he can hardly contain himself from flipping them over and taking it.

"Harry-" Louis tries to say but it comes out as more of a moan. He wants this yes, but he can't bring himself to take it until he tells Harry about his father. He can't lie to him, can't share this intimate moment with him until he's sure Harry knows what they might have to do. "Harry wait-"

"Please fuck me." Harry whispers into his neck. He's hard, Louis can feel from where he's grinding on top of him and damn this is the hardest thing he's ever had to do. (no pun intended.)

"Harry wait-no." Louis pulls himself from under Harry's insistent mouth and pushes him back slightly.

"You-you don't want to?" Harry says, insecurly. His cheeks going a light shade of pink. Louis wants to kiss them. "I-i'm sorry-"

"No no, Harry, trust me...I really want to but-" Louis places his hands on Harry's hips, a light touch to tell him it's okay. "We just need to talk first."

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