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Almost done :)


It was hour five of devising and finalizing their plan to take back their money from Harry's father and rob him dry. Hour five of Louis and Harry sitting cross legged on the floor and figuring out strategic ways of getting this done quickly, without anyone getting hurt. It would be going a lot faster if Harry wasn't such a minx and Louis wasn't so completely gone for him.

"Isn't your dad going to get suspicious about your whereabouts?" Harry asks, a slice of apple and peanut butter in his mouth.

"I told him we were strategizing." Louis says. "We're fine." The truth is, he wasn't that worried anymore. He thinks a part of him wanted his father to find out, so he didn't have to tell him himself. A "rip it off like a bandaid" method.

"Can we take a break?" Harry wines, scooping another apple slice into the jar of peanut butter.

"We've barely gotten anything done, Harry." Louis sighs. "We're doing this tomorrow, we have to be ready!" Harry rolls his eyes and slowly puts the apple slice in his mouth, but rather than take a bite, he rolls his tongue along it and seductively licks off the peanut butter. Louis watches him through squinted eyes, aware of what he's trying to do but trying with his best efforts to not let it affect him, he wasn't doing a great job. Harry was sexy and he knew it, and god, the way he moved his mouth was beautiful. He continued his little show, lapping at the apple slice slowly and wrapping his lips around it as he stared at Louis. "Harry." Louis says, as if he's reprimanding an untrained puppy.

"What?" Harry remarks innocently, pulling the slice from his mouth and taking a bite. "Oh, I'm sorry. Was I distracting you?" He says dumbly, swallowing the rest of the apple.

"Can we please take this seriously?" Louis sighs.

"I was just having a snack, I don't know what you were thinking." Harry mocks. He then gets to his knees and crawls in Louis' direction, his hips swinging as he gets to Louis' lap and leans over him to pepper his jawline with kisses. "Maybe..." He whispers, getting closer to his ear. "You would rather occupy my mouth with something else?" He purrs and Louis wishes it wasn't affecting him like it was.

"Harrrryyyyyyy." Louis wines, pulling Harrys' face from his neck and giving him a peck. "I'm serious."

"Okay okay, fine." Harry huffs, crawling back over to his spot on the floor. "What's the plan?"

"Okay, well..." Louis starts, pointing at a small poorly drawn blueprint of Harrys' house. "I can park down the street, this one here..." He points. "You walk to your house and tell your dad that we gave up blah blah blah. When he falls asleep or passes out, whatever, you get the stash and head back toward me." Harry nods.

"And what if he wakes up and catches me?" Harry asks. "I-I don't know what he'll do, I mean, he's crazy."

"I'm gonna put a mic on you, if anything starts happening, I'll hear it and come find you, okay?" Louis reassures, noting Harry's nervous expression. "Harry, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, okay?"

"Okay." Harry nods. "And what if he comes after you, or us, when he finds out?"

"We'll do what we have to do." Louis says matter-of-factly. "I don't want to hurt your dad Harry, especially if you don't want me to, but if he tries to hurt you or my family, I-"

"I know, I understand." Harry says. He looks down at the floor and studies it anxiously, his thumbs twiddling with one another. "I'm nervous." He breathes, bringing his knees to his chest to rest his chin on.

"I know love, I'm sorry, I wish you didn't have to be involved in this." Louis says, scooting closer to him and placing his hand over his.

"No, I-" Harry starts and hesitates. "I'm more nervous about losing you." He admits, looking over at Louis through big eyes and God if that didn't make Louis want to melt into a puddle right there.

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