Madly, Deeply

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The next morning comes abruptly and he and Harry get ready in comfortable silence. Antonio dropped off equipment for putting a mic on Harry, although Louis does wonder sometimes how Antonio has these connections, it's better not to ask. Instead he takes the suitcase of what looks like undercover spy equipment and inspects it oddly before finding a spot to put it on Harry.

"How about here?" Harry points to the belt loop on the back of his pants. "My shirt will cover it."

"What if you bend over?" Louis asks, still looking him over to find a better spot. "That's too risky." He turns him around with his hand, then turns him back around and Harry rolls his eyes.

"Can you just pick somewhere already?" He sighs frustratingly.

"Harry, this has to be done right." Louis says. "Do you wanna get caught?" Louis asks, annoyance seeping into his voice that he wishes weren't there. He doesn't like being short with Harry, he hates seeing him upset, but the both of them are tense right now. With everything that has to go underway today, neither of them are feeling particularly friendly.

"Can you drop the attitude please?" Harry snaps. "I'm the one risking myself here!" He sneers and swats at Louis's hand that's feeling the material of his undershirt to see if it can withstand a microphone.

"Harry!" Louis snaps back and Harry jumps. "I appreciate you doing this but if you want it to go smoothly you have to stop acting like a brat!" He sighs in frustration and Harry's eyes go slightly glossy. He lets Louis find a spot to put the mic and stays quiet, a sad look coating his face that makes Louis want to tuck him under his arm and never let him go. "I'm sorry for yelling, Harry."

"I'm not trying to be a brat, I'm sorry." Harry whispers. "I'm just scared." He admits, and dammit if Louis doesn't feel like the biggest asshole in the world. Of course Harry is scared, of course he was angry, how could he not be? Louis gathers him in his arms and pulls him close to his chest, pressing a kiss to his head and cheek.

"I'm so sorry." Louis whispers. "I'm being an insensitive prick." He admits, kissing Harry once more on the cheek. "I just need everything to go smoothly today, I can't risk you getting hurt." Louis sighs, pulling Harry's head back to look him in the eyes.

"I'll be okay, Louis." Harry says, leaning up to peck him on the lips. "I promise." He says against his lips, and Louis wishes it was enough. He wishes it was enough to ease the nerves in his belly but it only makes them worse.

They test out the microphone, using Antonios instructions and have to fiddle with the setting for a few minutes before it picks up clear audio. Louis leaves the room and makes Harry sing to make sure he can hear him clearly through the other end. Once everything is set, Louis gathers the boys in the den, Harry alongside him looking like a deer in headlights.

"Okay. Zayn, Niall, please make sure you guys are paying attention to your phones in case we need any backup." He says sternly and the boys both nod. "Everyone knows the plan?" He asks.

"We go it Lou, we'll be here, don't worry." Zayn assures, Louis thinks he notices him take a quick glance in Harry's direction, a small smile on his face. Louis nods and their plan is under way.

"Let's go." Louis says. Harry follows behind him as they head out the door and to his car. He hears his fathers footsteps close behind him and he stops and turns around.

"If there's any funny business, you call me." His father says sternly. "Don't be a hero, Lou." And with that, his dad is walking back inside. Louis wonders what he meant by his comment, it was as if he could tell that Louis would easily throw himself in front of a gun if it meant saving Harry.

The car ride is quiet, but Louis' hand is pressed protectively over Harry's lap. Harry's knee bounces nervously the whole way and before either of them are ready, Louis is pulling up the street corner, a block away from Harry's house. There is so much that hangs in the air between them, so many things they wanted to say but truly didn't need to say at all, they already knew. So they decide on one thing. "I love you." Harry says, his hand on the car door handle.

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