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In a private Chat:

Kacchan: Nerd, answere your damn phone when I call you!

Kacchan: HEY!

Kacchan: This isn't funny anymore.

Kacchan: Izu?

Kacchan: Hey, Izuku...

IzuBunny: Yes?

Kacchan: Do you know how long I waited for an answere?

IzuBunny: Let's see... 

Kacchan: Not let's see... You didn't respond hours.

IzuBunny: Sorry!

Kacchan: Everything okay?

IzuBunny: Hm?

Kacchan: You didn't came to the training session with our class. Everyone is in panick right now because they can't find you.

IzuBunny: Oh, I am alright.

Kacchan: Where the fuck are you even?

IzuBunny: At home.

Kacchan: Home? As in with your mom?

IzuBunny: Yes! She suddenly called me over and said she made Katsudon.

Kacchan: Oh.

Kacchan: You and your Katsudon.

IzuBunny: It's the best!

Kacchan: Very True.

IzuBunny: Wanna come over?

Kacchan: Do you have spices at home?

IzuBunny: Always and she just told me that you are welcome to join us.

Kacchan: Wait, I thought you were done eating!

IzuBunny: Nope. We went to get ingredients and you know my mom when we go out.

Kacchan: Like my old hag.

IzuBunny: Yup. Loving haveing a look around plus she pulled me into a coffee shop because of their great biscuits.

Kacchan: What's the name of the shop?

IzuBunny: MyLittleYummy!

Kacchan: Seriousy?

Izubunny: Yeah but they have good sweets.

Kacchan: Ping me the address so I can get you some from time to time.

IzuBunny: Oh thanks.

Kacchan: No problem. I am on my way now.

IzuBunny: If you want, you can also get the others to join.

Kacchan: I am not fucking mental.

IzuBunny: Be nice.

Kacchan: They are idiots and I get some me time with you alone.

Kacchan: So fuck you!

Kacchan: Not a chance.

IzuBunny: Fine with me. Now it should be ready in about 15 min. You think you can make it.

Kacchan: Sure if I use my quirk.

IzuBunny: You don't have a license yet so no.

Kacchan: It's your mom's spicey Katsudon, I am gladly going to jail for it.

IzuBunny: And how am I supposed to bail you out or even tell anyone why you did that?

Kacchan: Don't care! See ya.

IzuBunny: Kacchan don't do it.

IzuBunny: Kacchan!

IzuBunny: I mean it Pomeranian!

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