RG... scary woman... never anger!

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Izuku protection squad:

Iida: Thanks for adding me in here.

Ojiro: Can't believe the whole calss is in here by now except Izuku.

Sero: Well we are the protection squad.

Uraraka: And sharing him.

Todoroki: Each gets one day strictly!

Todoroki: No more! 

Momo: Says the one who will gladly steal a chance.

Todoroki 🙄🙃

Bakugo: Fucking shut up.

Mina: I am happy we didn't actually go visit him.

Tokoyami: Well it would hurt for sure!

Denki: With Rg...

Ejiro: Did you hear what happened to the big three?

Koda: Sneaking into the support doorms and getting hit?

Jiro: Nejire got knocked out.

koda: yeah, some birds told me that.

Jiro: Heard the scream.

Bakugo: They fucking deserve it.

Momo: Kinda.

Shinso: Yup.

Shinso: My dad is to scared to go in as well.

Tsu: No objection there... RG with her cane is scary 🐸 

Mina: Soo true.

Denki: She ones hit me soo much that I had to go to hospital because of her.

Ejiro: She tried to do that to me as well.

Mina: Same here.

Momo: What the hell did you guys do?

Mina: Oh we had fun all together and kinda got hurt the stupipd way.

Tenya: That means?

Denki: We were on a bridge and fell down while I electrocuted us... 

Ejiro: I got them out and to RG.

Mina: Used my acid on them. Sorry again.

Ejiro: RG wanted to toast us and beat us to a nice cutlet.

Mina: oh that was for sure.

Bakugo: HAHAHAHAH idiots!

Tenza: Damn...

Momo: 🤦🏽‍♀️

Uraraka: Yeah.... don't do that again.

Mina: We know better now.

Koda: You sure??

Denki: What is that supposed to mean?

Sero: Oh ahm I am sure nothing.

Koda: Yeah.

Ojiro: Alright... then how is he by now?

Bakugo: Better and don't you guys dare ping him. He needs rest.

Tenya: No one would dare do that.

Momo: You are saying?

Tokoyami: Yeah...

Momo: You did not?

Tokoyami: Maybe.

Bakugo: Come here little fucker!

Bakugo went offline.

Tokoyami: Oh shit!

Tokoyami went offline.

Sero: And here I was wondering when you would hear him go wild again.

Todoroki: A question of time.

Aoyama: You are way too silent as well.

Todoroki: Planning.

Momo: Don't do something stupid.

Todoroki: We will see.

Shinso: I am warning Izu!

Shinso went offline

Todoroki went offline

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