Aham... I ahm..YOU DID WHAT?!

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Teachers Staff chat:

Chaos: I am here to give you all a warning.

Chaos: I am Chaos now?

HoundDog: Yes.

HoundDog: You earned that one.

Thireen: Wait what waning did you bring us?

Chaos: Well something happened.

Cementoss: You really did kindapp Nezu?

Chaos: Yes.

Snipe: Why?

Chaos: Because.

Mic: What was the warnging all about?

Chaos: Ah yes. Please watch out.

HoundDog: I don't like this.

Chaos: You shouldn't.

Snipe: The heck?

Cementoss: That is never a good sign.

Midnight: Wait but why?

Mic: What even happened?

Chaos: I did a mistake.

VladKing: What mistake.

VladKing: I came in and saw a wanring.

VladKing: The hell.

Chaos: Well please watch your back Vlad King.

VladKing: What did you do?

Chaos: An experiment gone wrong.

RG: How many times do I have to tell you not to do one?

Chaos: But I didn't hurt myself.

PowerLoader: What the heck did you do this time.

Chaos: I swear it ain't that bad.

Chaos: I take that back.

Thirteen: I am scared now.

Snipe: Only now?

Thirteen: What else?

Cmentoss: I don't like this.

Mic: None of us do.

Midnight: Mic is right. 

Mic: Little listener... what did you do?

PowerLoader: Is this something like one of your robots that escaped?

Chaos: No.

Chaos: Worse.

RG: Just spill it.

Chaos: I got my hands on invisible paint.

HoundDog: Oh my god. no....

Chaos: I think you are thinking the right way.


Chaos: Funny, Kacchan asked the same thing.

RG: Someone please say what it is?

Thirteen: I don't get it either.

PowerLoader: SHIT! NOOOO!

Chaos: Well he got it now.

PowerLoader: You are insane.

Chaos: Completly fine, thank you very much.

PowerLoader: Someone who makes Nezu invisible is not fine.

Chaos: I am.

Cementoss: WHAT?!

Thirteen: SHIT!

Midnight: RUN!

Mic: HIDE!

VladKing: Oh damn.

RG: He is gonna use that for a while.

Chaos: And that is why I am warning you all.

HoundDog: Thanks for nothing since this is your fault.

Chaos: What? He just escaped me.

PowerLoader: You kidnapped him for this.

Chaos: True that.

PowerLoader: And you didn't think about this?

Chaos: NOOO.

Chaos: I had everything under controll until he bit me.

RG: Come to my office, he can have rabbies who knows.

HoundDog: And we all are gonna stay in pair of twos for reasons.

RG: Good idea for now.

Chaos: Won't get you much... he will come after you all.

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