Enough for a day

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Big three group chat:

TwirlyOne: HOLLY SHIT!


SlipperyOne: @Support!

TwirlyOne: Are you okay?

ShyOne: They got ya in a church?

SlipperyOne: Good that we followed Power Loader rushing out like that.

TwirlyOne: Still can't believe they put him in a church.

ShyOne: That was 100% a wedding.

SlipperyOne: They are insane.

ShyOne: And then the class rushing in...

TwirlyOne: They are all mental.

ShyOne: And the girls insisting they had to marry him as well...

SlipperyOne: Shouly we inform Hound Dog?

ShyOne: Then Bakugo destryoing the church...

TwrilyOne: Let's frist focus and try to get him online.

ShyOne: And PowerLoader rushing to just get him with his own robots.

SlipperyOne: Sounds good.

ShyOne: And that... that Endeavor bot just burning everything down.

TwirlyOne: It was cursed to begin with.

SlipperyOne: Agree with that Raven who tried to actually summon a demon to help Izuku out.

ShyOne: ....

SlipperyOne: @Support.

TwirlyOne: @Support.

ShyOne: Should we really be pinging him like this?

SlipperyOne: Of course!

TwirlyOne: YES!

ShyOne: Alright.


ShyOne: I mean after this, he might be sitting with a teacher and talking or just trying to relax.

TwirlyOne: He never relaxes.

SlipperyOne: Hate to agree on that.

Support is online

Support: What's up guys?

Support: And who said, I never relax at all!

Support: That is alie.

ShyOne: Do you?

Support: Yes and I value sleep eventho I am sometimes an insomniac.

SlipperyOne: That is good?

TwirlyOne: Straight to business guys.

Support: ?

TwirlyOne: How are you after all this?

Support: Baffled.

ShyOne: Anyone would be.

SlipperyOne: How did this even happen?

Support: Got kidnapped by the Todoroki family.

Support: Yeah but more than half of class 1A wanted to marry me... that is concerning.

Support: Plus the poor church is in ruin now.

TwirlyOne: At least you are okay.

Support: Thanks to you guys... come to think of it. How did you know where I was and that I needed help?

ShyOne: We saw Power Loader rushing out.

SlipperyOne: Yeah that is unusal.

TwirlyOne: Except it is something related to you.

Support: Oh guess so...

Support: Anyways thanks.

TwirlyOne: Your welcome.

ShyOne: Can't have you married if you belong to us anyways.

SlipperyOne: Did you really had to expose us.

ShyOne, SlipperyOne and TwirlyOne went offline

Support: Not gonna go into that right now. I had enough for a day.

Support went offline

The support guy! (Chatfic)Where stories live. Discover now