Oh-OHH we got a problem...

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In a privat Chat:

Kacchan: THE HECK?!

IzuBunny: Yes?

Kacchan: WHAT THE FUCK?!

IzuBunny: Yes?

Kacchan: WHY?!

IzuBunny: You don't make any sense Kacchan.

Kacchan: You kidnapped Nezu!

IzuBunny: That is true but how do you know that...

Kacchan: How?

Kacchan: That's not important! Izu you can't kidnapp random people.

IzuBunny: Is he random?

Kacchan: Why do you even want that damn bastard of a rat.

IzuBunny: Language!

Kacchan: Sorry.

IzuBunny: Also I kidnapped him and then tried something out on him.

Kacchan: WHAT?!

IzuBunny: Relax!

Kacchan: What did you do?

IzuBunny: Got invisible spray.

Kacchan: You didn't!

IzuBunny: I did.

Kacchan: And he is?

IzuBunny: Yes.

Kacchan: FUCK IZUKU!

IzuBunny: That is still my name.

Kacchan: WHYyyyyyy

IzuBunny: Becaaaaaaauseeeee.

Kacchan: You doomed us all.

IzuBunny: Hah and I didn't even say the worst part yet.

Kacchan: That would be?

IzuBunny: He escaped me.

Kacchan: FUCK!

IzuBunny: I can hear you...

Kacchan: How? I am in school!

IzuBunny: Through phone I guess.

Kacchan: Do you know what you did?

IzuBunny: No.

Kacchan: He is fucking mental.

IzuBunny: So what?

Kacchan: He is a psychopath.

IzuBunny: Yeah I already know that this Mickey Mouse is a psychopath.

Kacchan: And you still doing this?

IzuBunny: Yes why not?

Kacchan: Do you even value life?

IzuBunny: Yes.

Kacchan: I don't think so.

IzuBunny: I am alive.

Kacchan: Till he will attack you.

IzuBunny: He would never!

Kacchan: Oh he will.

IzuBunny: Not me.

Kacchan: How do you knw that?

IzuBunny: I got some robots around me at all times...

Kacchan: You mental!

IzuBunny: Ah you only realised that now?

Kacchan: Izu this isn't funny.

IzuBunny: It is.

Kacchan: I swear to god, you are not to be left alone anymore.

IzuBunny: Maybe.

Kacchan: So where is he now?

IzuBunny: Don't know.

Kacchan: Any chance he goes after us?

IzuBunny: Nope. I think he will be after teachers.

Kacchan: I should warn them.

IzuBunny: Nah, I'll do it. I am in their group chat after all.

Kacchan: Why does this not surprise me at all.

IzuBunny: Because.

Kacchan: Where are you? I'll get you.

IzuBunny: No need for it. See ya at class 1A dorms.

Kacchan: Fine. See ya.

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