I Love You For Infinity (KiriBaku ❤️🧡)

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angst time, enjoy (or not, if u don't like angst). 

"KATSUKI!" Eijiro yelled out desperately, scanning the rubble frantically for the ash blonde. Their fight against the villains left the area in ruins, and Katsuki was nowhere to be seen. Panic built in Eijiro's chest as he ran around, looking under clumps of stone or lifting up planks, but his boyfriend was nowhere in sight. Despite his many cuts and bruises from the fight, he didn't stop looking for Katsuki.

Then he spotted it - a head of ash blonde hair, blood leaking out of a wound on the side. Eijiro ran forward at a speed he'd never ran at before, stopping at Katsuki's side. He knelt down beside the explosive blonde.

"Katsuki! Katsuki, are you okay?! Kats, answer me!" Eijiro exclaimed in desperation, shaking Kat's shoulder lightly. 

Then he noticed why his boyfriend wasn't responding, even thought he tried to but couldn't, why his breath was shallow, why his eyes were desperately trying to stay open but almost fluttered closed each time. 

The gaping wound under his ribs explained it.

Eijiro's eyes widened as he saw the wound. It was horrible, bleeding profusely, and left Katsuki in what seemed like a very pained state, but then Eijiro's eyes travelled all over Katsuki. His arms and legs were cut up, another horribly bleeding cut was pouring blood out Katsuki's side. Katsuki groaned softly, the pain acting up.

"Katsuki!! Stay with me, okay? We're g-gonna get you out of here! Just hold on!" Eijiro said to his boyfriend, hot tears slowly filling his eyes. Katsuki raised his hand and clung onto Eijiro's forearm, trying to say a million things he never got to say with his eyes alone. Eijiro stared right back, knowing he couldn't let Katsuki leave him. If he did, the world would never be the same.

"E-Ei..." Katsuki said softly, his voice finally finding its way back to him. Eijiro turned all his attention towards Katsuki, joyed that he was finally able to say something.

"K-Kats! Hold on, alright? Mina and Denks'll be here soon! Just hold on!" Eijiro cried desperately, praying for the worst not to find its way to his lover.

"Ei... l-listen to me." Katsuki mumbled, looking up at Eijiro again. Eijiro stayed quiet.

"I-I'll be okay. I-I will if y-you are. Y-you're okay, r-right?" Katsuki asked, his voice timid.

"Yes, Kats, of course I am! But you gotta stay strong, alright? P-please?..." Eijiro whispered. 

Katsuki managed a faint smile. His genuine smile, rare as it was, was absolutely stunning. He looked like an angel when he really smiled. Well, actually, he always looked like an angel. But his smile really brought it out. It was so pure and always full of light and happiness. Eijiro loved it.

"I-it kinda h-hurts, Ei, 'case you didn't n-notice..." Katsuki grumbled. Eijiro laughed softly. The situation being as tense and serious as it was, he couldn't help but giggle. 

Katsuki's shining red eyes filled with sad, pained tears as he looked up at Eijiro, for what was probably the last time. His body ached. His head was spinning with pain. He was getting tired. And seeing Eijiro just made him even more upset that this was probably their final moment together. He remembered when Eijiro's cousin, Ichika, had passed away in a car accident, and she was a very, very nice person; Katsuki had met her on multiple occasions. Eijiro was devastated when she died. Katsuki remembered Eijiro saying, after her death, "Why do the best people suffer the most?..."

Was Katsuki a good person? Had he improved? Were people finally going to appreciate him?

He didn't think he'd ever get to know.

The world started fading as his heartbeat slowed down steadily. He heard Eijiro yelling for help, begging Katsuki to get up, his tears pouring down his face and onto Katsuki. 

"I-I love you f-for infinity, Ei. I-I hope you kn-know that..."

"...I l-love you too, Kats."

Then everything went black.


wowie! i wrote angst! but for a price (i teared up when i wrote this, breaking my own heart by making angst with my favourite ship lol) 

anyway, hope y'all enjoyed! srry i haven't written in a while, i had no ideas 😅

have a good day/night!


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