Angel (KiriBaku ❤️🧡)

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heyo! srry for not posting in a while! been busy lately 😅

anyway, this is the oneshot for my kiribaku headcannon! <3

here we gooooo!!

(fluffity fluff fluff <3)


Katsuki stared blandly at his phone screen, scrolling through all the boring reels he saw. Eijiro was doing one of the things that most annoyed Katsuki -  taking a shower. He always took so damn long for no reason! 

Katsuki huffed and flopped down on the bed. He stared at the ceiling, waiting for Eijiro to hurry the fuck up.

Katsuki's ears perked up when he heard the bathroom door open. He sat up quickly and stared at the door, and out came Eijiro, looking as hot as always after his shower. That was the only thing Katsuki liked about Eijiro showering- how stupidly hot he looked afterwards- apart from when they showered together, of course. But let's not talk about that.

"Hey, angel! Waiting for me?" Eijiro asked, smiling his half adorable, half smug smile that Katsuki hated and loved at the same time. Katsuki huffed, turning his head to hide the rapidly growing blush on his cheeks.

Hey, angel!



That goddamn nickname that Eijiro just had to give him.

The one nickname that made him blush so much that he looked like a human tomato.


Katsuki didn't understand how and why Eijiro thought to give him a nickname so unrelated to him as a person. Katsuki was the polar opposite of an angel- his temperamental and aggressive attitude, the sheer amount of times he yelled and shouted at the top of his lungs, his habit of lashing out at people when embarrassed or upset. How could those things turn into the word "angel"?

But Eijiro knew how. Because all those not-so-angelic things about Katsuki were just there to hide the amazing things about him. 

His encouraging attitude towards people he really cared about, his words of reassurance when someone needed it (although those reassuring words came out aggressively sometimes) and his loving smile, opposite to his scowl and scrunched eyebrows. Those were only a few of the amazing things about Katsuki, but all the same, they do sum up an angel, do they not?

"Don't hide your beautiful face from me, angel!" Eijiro smiled, walking over to the bed and standing in front of Katsuki. Eijiro reached out a hand and turned Katsuki's head so he was looking at him. Katsuki frowned slightly, looking into Eijiro's eyes, crimson meeting ruby.

"Ei... why d'you call me that?" Katsuki asked, tilting his head slightly into Eijiro's touch. Come to think of it, he'd never asked why Eijiro called him "angel" anyway. Eijiro smiled lovingly, retracting his hand and sitting down beside Katsuki. 

"Because you are one, angel. What more is there to say?" Eijiro replied softly, love and reassurance shining in his eyes. Katsuki hesitated for a moment, then gave Eijiro a soft smile. 

"Heh... alright, then."


i love writing fluff :)

anyway, here y'all go! so sorry for the long break, i've been busy lately, and THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K!!! 🧡

love you all <3


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