2. The new life

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She descended the stairs and the smell of desi ghee reached her within seconds.
"Good morning my Neelu maa.", as she wrapped her arms around the lady standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

The lady snapped and turned around, holding her wrist she made her sit on one of chairs of the dinning table,
"Akira, not with your formalities of Good morning right now. Here, grab this plate and I want you to finish both these paranthas and also the entire cup of curd right away, and I don't want to hear any excuses.", she ordered in her slight angry tone.

"But mumma two paranthas-‐"

"Not now Akira! You didn't had your dinner as well. And don't call me Neelu maa, currently I am your Neilima maa as well, because I am mad at you. Do you get it?"

"Yes my Neelu ma, oh I mean Neilima maa, I got you, I'll finish my entire share of breakfast but only if you'll accompany me with your plate of breakfast. Deal?"

The lady just smiled at this dramatic girl and took a seat next to her.
"Akira, bete, I know you keep yourself so busy, being the music therapist at the hospital, then with the NGOs and then the orphanages and old age homes. Singing to heal and teaching music to the kids makes you happy, but you need to take care of yourself too beta. It's been six months since I have known you, six months since you came to Delhi, its enough time to help you make a routine now.", the lady said with voice full with concern.

Six months since being in Delhi and Eight months since she left Udaipur, left him.

It pained to remember all that, she took a deep breath and sighed.
"I know mumma, I'll try to keep a little less hectic schedule and take out time for myself."
Lie. A white lie. She kept herself busy, so that her heart doesn't get busy with his thoughts again, more free time means more of his thoughts, no, no this will not lead to any good conclusions.

"So? What's your plan for today?", Neilma ma asked her.

"Nothing much mumma, I don't have to go to the hospital, no therapy sessions are there, so, I guess, I'll stick around the orphanage or will accompany as volunteer to teach the kids dance, drama and music in the nearby government school, you know its weekend, well as usual not much happening.", she replied while stirring the curd for the thousandth time now.

"Okay, still pretty packed day I would say, anyways I have to go the hospital, some issues are to be discussed and they need the psychiatrist to be present there, so yeah, I am booked for today. Anyways, I am not leaving until you finish you half parantha on the plate and the half that you just hid under the curd bowl, finish it and stop playing with you food.", the lady said calming yet eyeing her, after observing her play and hide her food.

"Seriously grow up Akira", the woman thought to herself smiling at this pure soul.

And all our protagonist could do was make a face and gulp her breakfast, but not before chewing it properly, not another episode of scolding from her Neelu ma.

Neilma maa a.k.a., her Neelu mumma was the physiatrist at the same hospital where she worked. She had converted her house into a PG or kinda of a hostel for girls and its been 6 months since she first came to Delhi and started living under this roof.
She met Neilima maa six months ago in----
Well, she never wanted to remember how and where she met her, not that chapter of her life today.


Abhimanyu was going through a file of a patient when an uninvited guest barged in his cabin.
"Abhimanyu, Harsh sir is calling you.", she blurted out.

He kept the file away and addressed her,
"Dr. Aarohi, have the curtesy to knock before entering my cabin, and second thing keep your manners in line and do address me as Dr. Abhimanyu, Sir or Dr. Birla.", he said strictly.

"Oh, umm, yeah, alright. Dr. Abhimanyu, actually Harsh Sir is calling you to discuss something about a conference and seminar going to held in Delhi, staring from this coming Monday only. Actually, I would really love to accompany you there, I mean it would be a great learning experience for me.", she said in her overexcited and chirppy voice.

"Dr. Aarohi, it is for me to decide whether I want to go for this seminar cum conference or not, plus I'll decide whether I want someone to accompany me or not, or whether that person will be an intern or any other doctor. I hope I am very clear to you, now leave, I'll meet sir at home, I have a surgery in do after just minutes, so don't waste my time.", he said while going thoroughly through the file.

And with his response, her face fell flat.
"Listen Abhima.....I mean Dr. Abhimanyu I just want you to keep our personal and professional life separate, whatever happened between us, our families or considering that girl- Aksh--"

"Just stop it Dr. Aarohi, if I would have interlinked our personal and professional lives then sure you wouldn't be standing here, all nagging and baseless ranting of your complains. Now leave my cabin right away.", he roared.
And she slammed the door while leaving after digesting another insult.

Minutes later he moved out of his cabin only to find his Tauji approaching towards him.

"Abhimanyu, I wanted to talk to you, listen I really want you to join this event in Delhi. Now, before you complain and roll your eyes, let me tell you, this event is not just Harsh's PR benefit event, otherwise you know me I wouldn't be here personally insisting you. Doctors and moreover specialised Cardiologist from all over the country are going to be there, you need to be there to represent our Cardiology department there. Also, you remember that heart patient from Delhi, the one from New-ray Hospital, I think you should take his case on the Delhi ground only, making him travel to Udaipur is not in my best interest."

Abhimanyu listened intently and replied,
"Okay Tauji, if you think that I should go there and it will be beneficial for both me and the hospital, then I'll be there, today itself I'll assign the duties to my team for the period of my absence, also tomorrow is Sunday, so I'll take a flight for tomorrow evening only and on Monday I'll be attending with fresh mind."

"Okay, my boy, as you find comfortable. Good luck.", Anand Birla left after patting his back.

"So Delhi it is then.", he said to himself as a weird feeling settled with him.

So people? How are you finding the story till now? View? Opinions?
Also, the next chapter is going to reveal a whole lot of things.
Sit back and read.

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