19. Her Armour.

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Aarohi still standing in the corner waited for this woman to answer the question Neil had asked, she wondered how Neil's mother had any connection with her sister.

Easing out the tension, Neilma spoke up,
"She calls me mumma because I am her mother Neil, and not only hers, I am mother of other numerous kids.
I learnt from Manjari that a child makes you mother, doesn't matter if you have carried that child in your womb or not.
After becoming Neilima, I promised I'll give a better life to a lot of kids out there. God graced me with the opportunity to become a mother and I didn't respected it, hence it was taken away from me, but that doesn't mean I couldn't create another opportunity for me."

Neilima explained everything of how she runs various orphanages and also old age homes as because of her mistakes she couldn't take care of her parents when it was needed.
It was her atonement for all the sins she had committed.

Ending this conversation or more like her justification, Neilima concluded.
"You know what Neil, the more we try to push ourselves away from the people we love with a thought that this is gonna protect them, the more we cause pain to them and us also."
She said looking towards Akira who in response was looking down the ground and contemplating whatever she just heard right now, all this didn't go unnoticed by Abhimanyu who somehow knew that Neilima was taunting Akshara, but why?

Manjari took a seat beside Neil as Neilima gave them the space required and with that an understanding dawned upon Neil who put down his mother's folded hands and took her in a hug.

Neilima moved towards Aarohi who was still observing everything from the corner.
"You must be Aarohi, right?"

Aarohi narrowed her eyes before speaking egotistically.
"Yes, yes I am Dr. Aarohi Goenka. You must recognise me with whatever the crap your so called daughter fed to you about me."

Neilima smiled slightly,
"Not much but whatever she told was too sweet to be true as I can see now."
Aarohi was too stunned, even after everything did her sister never badmouthed her?
Bringing her out of her thoughts pool, Neilima continued,
"Look Aarohi, I am not here to taunt you or give you any advice, because believe me, I am the last person who should be giving you a lecture.
I see a young Avni Rathore in you, talented, promising and ambitious, a dreamer who didn't knew the right and wrong to achieve those dreams.
But look at me now, I am not even Avni Rathore and still I am one of the top psychiatrist of India- Without any surname- Just Neilima, its my capabilities and hardwork that brought me here, so just ask yourself do you really need a big surname to name your dreams, aren't you worthy and capable enough of doing it on your own."
Signing deeply she concluded,
"I learnt my lesson the hard way Aarohi, I would never want anyone to go through the same, focus on yourself, your dreams; these shortcuts, the revenge, let it all go for the good."

For the first time in life Aarohi nodded in a genuine understanding, leaving peacefully while thinking everything that this lady said to her.


Abhimanyu was adoring from a distance as he saw his brother somewhat forgiving his mother and the reason sitting close to them- the girl of his dreams- 'His Girl', only if he could call her his in reality as well.

"You really love her.", it was statement rather then a question that Neilima said standing beside him, pulling him back to the ground.

"I beg your pardon", he said with furrowed brows.

"You heard me Abhimanyu, you love her, it's very evident, don't decline it. Even a blind person can feel the love around you both."

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