24. The Plan.

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Present day-
Akira was just letting the thunderstorm of emotions settle within her from the flashbacks when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder.

She turned around scared of the one person who turned her life upside down but came across the one who made it beautiful.

"Akshu? Are you okay?", Abhimanyu asked gently looking at her distress state and shaky breathes.

"Medicines.", she finally said after taking a shallow breathe and clutching her chest.

He got alerted, she was starting to get a panic attack.

She never took medicines before, her music was her healer.
She also said she doesn't get panic attacks anymore, did she lied?

This was not the time to question her, if she is on medicines then he wont be able to control her attack without the dosage.

"Where? Where are you medicines?", he asked gently holding her by the shoulders.

"Car....bag....inside...", she somehow managed to utter these words.

Understanding her, he looked for her bag inside the car and there it was on the backseat.

He opened all the chains and searched for her medicines.
He got his hands on two bottles and a very unexpected thing,....a lighter.

He read the composition and figured out one was sleeping pills and the other was the one for panic attacks.

Taking out a pill, he handed it over to her along with the water bottle, but she signalled him two with her fingers.
Two pills? He narrowed his eyes.
She just nodded.

Two pills means a high dosage but right now he just wanted her to be good and hence did what was asked.

She somehow swallowed the pills and even chocked on the water, coughing uncontrollably as he rubbed her back.

After sometime she was finally back to normal and his heartrate also became fine again.

"You scared me Akshu.", he said not amused.

"Sorry.", she said in a small voice.

"Why did you say that day that you don't get panic attacks anymore?", he asked resting his hands on his hips.

"I still get them but its very very rare, trust me."

"Then what happened? What triggered them?"

"I don't know.", she said looking away from him and turning a little sideways.

He went and stood infront of her face again.
"Two pills? Do you know how much Mgs that make?"

"I know its a little high. But don't worry Neelu maa have prescribed these."

He couldn't question such a renowned psychiatrist like Dr. Neilima.

"You even take sleeping pills?"

Akira looked at him flabbergasted, he found out.
Ofcourse you dumbo, you let him go through your bag, her subconscious mocked her.

"Yeah, they are not in regular dosage, while travelling from Delhi to Udaipur I just kept them my purse and then they are just there."

He nodded unsatisfactoryly.
"One last question."

"Stop interrogating me! You are now irritating me.", she said to stop these round of question.

"Last one."


"Have you started smoking Akshu? Do you smoke?"

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