27. The Battle.

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The next day Abhimanyu along with Akira went to the police station to lodge an official complaint.

"Its honestly very courageous of you Akira to come out and expose these people.
We have official people along with the legal supervisors lawyers, you both can submit all the proofs from all the victims to them for purpose of maintain the records.
Just keep copies along with you, you never know when you'll need it, the court proceedings will begin from tomorrow, so, don't worry justice will be served soon.", the female officer informed her.

"Yes ma'am.
Here are the screen shots of all the blackmails and threats Kunal sent me and I even recorded the two men talking to Kunal about murdering me, I have a voice note of them.
I guess Abhi already has submitted rest of videos and stuff of others already."

She still kept a Pendrive holding back, contemplating whether she should submit it or not.

"Akshu? What is it? Do you anything more?", Abhimanyu asked gently sensing her discomfort.

The inspector too looked at her expecting an answer.
"Actually ma'am, that day I was cleaning my portable web cam and it was switched on.
Everything got recorded and saved in my cloud drive storage.
I have that recording.
I just....is.....is it necessary to be submitted?"

The officer smiled warmly towards her.
"I am a female too, I assure you we wont require this to get justice, we have got enough proofs and evidences, infact destroy it once the case is closed, which won't take much time, it's an open and shut case, delete it and move on in life."

Akira smiled affectionately at the lady.

Suddenly they heard a high tone debate going on the next side of the police station.
"Sir you can't arrest my client like this, from yesterday he is in this small cell.", Kunal's defense lawyer pitched.

"Don't teach me legalities, have you seen the public outrage? If we let him out, he'll eaten alive by the angry public. You should thank us, he is in protection under us.", the other sub inspector mocked sarcastically.

Standing by the door Akira and Abhimanyu saw the scene unfolding infront of them.

Kunal sitting completely disappointed, that's when his eyes fell on the one woman he wanted to shred into pieces, giving him a winning look. He lost it as he attacked her without thinking twice.

"You bloody whore, I should have killed you with my own hands that day.", as he pushed her against the door chocking her.

Abhimanyu was quick to react as he pushed him back all set to attack, that's when some police men got hold onto Kunal and she clinged onto Abhi's arm.

"Abhi! No, please, it's a police station.", as she tried to calm him down.

"Trust me Akshara you should be scared of me, because the day I'll be out your life will be over, I'll kill you so ruthlessly."

"Kill me?
Let me tell you, I am already dead.
I had lost my everything long ago and you took the one thing away from me that was left- My Dignity and respect.

And just so that you know, I am not scared of you.
You know why?
Because I have literally nothing to lose, I have nothing left, I don't even have my own identity anymore.

Infact you should be the one to be scared.
You have your everything on stake, you years of name and fame, you power, reputation, everything."

He laughed maniacally.
"You know what Akshara?
You deserved this.
You deserved every bit of everything I did with you.
And I have zero regrets of that, absolute ZERO!
A girl like you, so unfortunate.
An orphan, with no parents, not one family member wanting her, no one to love the poor girl, no one to offer her a shelter after the incident, living like a corpse with fake identity in what I should call an adult orphanage.
A place where all the discards like you belong."

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