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Slightly mature parts are included in this epilogue in later part, nothing descriptive though.

Quick question guys-
Heard the rumours that Harshad is leaving the show, do you all have any update?

Akshara walked towards her room after having a talk with Nishtha who was going to get married soon.
She could already hear all the giggles and laughs coming from their room.

As expected she found her dear husband and kids going completely crazy.

Her two year old Adira was happily sitting on her father's shoulder who was rotating, there six year old Abhir revolving around his father giggling and Abhimanyu's laugh boomed in the room.
Not to forget their pug dog, Pluto, who probably got confused and was chasing his own tail now.
Nishtha's cat Minnie was relaxing on the couch with no worries in the world.

The cat the Abhimanyu still didn't got together, and he was really happy Nishtha will be taking this mean cat along with her after the wedding.

Minnie spotted Akshara and jumped off the couch, reaching her and rubbing herself on her legs.
Akshara bent down and gave her head scratches as she purred.
This caught attention of the other people in the room.

"Okay, Shuu! Shuu! Get out of my room now.", Abhimanyu ordered Minnie from a distance.

Minnie growled at him but left nevertheless.
"Abhi! This is why she hates you.", Akshara said rolling her eyes at him.

"No, she hates me from the first day itself and I hate her back with equal effort."

"Mumma!", her kids yelled and rushed towards their mother before this stupid argument can become any long.

Akshara went on her knees opening her arms to engulf them.
"Hello, my babies.", she said and kissed foreheads of Abhir, Adira and ofcourse the waiting Pluto who was wagging his tail.

"No matter what I do, the moment they see you, they completely forget me.", Abhimanyu complained folding his arms across his chest who was left standing alone.

Akshara just shook her head at his antics.
"Now, don't you want to welcome me.", she asked knowing well.

"Ofcourse I want to.", he took long strides towards her.
"Where's my kiss?"

She laughed before placing a kiss on his cheek.
They loved showing affection to each other to let the kids know what love actually is and provide a healthy and happy family.

"Papa is such a big boy but sometimes act as if he is the smallest.", Abhir commented.

"Ooyee! I am your mother's first boy, so I definitely have the right to have her first kisses, she became my wife first before becoming your mother.", Abhimanyu replied mocking his own son.

"Abhi! They are your kids too, stop being jealous of them.", she chided.

"For sure they are my kids jaan, I had a great contribution in making them.", he winked at her.

"Abhi!", she hit him on his arm.

Anyways, kiddos say Goodnight to your mum, it's time put you all to bed, follow along."

"Goodnight bacchas.", she replied chirpily to their Goodnight wishes.

"There’s a surprise for you on the study table.", he whispered in her ears before leaving.

Moving towards the table, she found an envelope.
Opening it, she came across four tickets to capetown.

Finally, the last destination left.
Her mother spent her childhood there, it was great to go on the vacation now with her kids to that place.

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