7. Its Delhi my friend.

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He groaned in frustration after being stuck in traffic for a good 20 minutes, the car he was sitting in didn't made a single movement.
He has to reach the Delhi event on time, he can't be late, he has to be there at 11 am anyhow.

He slumped back in his seat and let his head fall back to ease his frustration, but the sound of the engines of cars around him wasn't helping.
It had just been a mere ten seconds of shutting his eyes when he heard someone knock on his window.

As he opened his eyes he saw the most beautiful girl ever been created standing by his window, looking at him, HIM.
She soon made a confused face and asked him to roll down his window as for the past two minutes he was just staring at her thinking of her to be his hallucination.

But instead of rolling down his window he opened the car door and asked her to hop in, she shook her head in a No and gestured him to come out.
He couldn't understand the hidden why, so just stared at her with furrowed eyebrows. Giving up she sat in the car to make him understand, because standing in the middle of the road was not very intelligent.

"Hi", she greeted.

"Hi?", he said still being confused.

"Just so that you know you won't reach your destination if you keep going on this route, a group of three cows have taken up a major part of the road and won't move until the authorities take their sweet time to reach there and move them with a bait. Well, and the other lane is taken up the college students as they are on the strike, protesting against the increase of three rupees on their meals.", she informed.

"What? Then how am I supposed to reach on time, is Delhi always like this.", he complained being annoyed with the situation.

"Actually yes! Delhi is a whole lot of hustle and bustle. And talking about how you'll reach there on time, I would say come with me, I am also heading for the event only. You are also going there only, right?"

"Yes I am, but the question is how will you take us there, are you going to make me fly or something, or just squeeze in between cars, because honestly you can do the latter one with your body but my body won't allow me to shrink in size."

"Your sense of humour was always very poor Abhimanyu but trust me it has went down the sewage in the past eight months. Here, in Delhi we use a facility known as Metro, we'll take the metro and you can join if you want to.", the tinge of teasing was reflected in her voice.

As they made their way out of the car and towards the nearest metro station, he took upon himself to have a conversation.
"How far is the metro station from here?."

"Umm, just a walking distance of two minutes."

"So, how long have you been in Delhi?"

"Six months.", her two words reply.

"And you changed your name to Akira?"

"Yes, yes I did....", he saw a change in her demeanour but she just shrugged her shoulders to portray not much of a affect.
She was not comfortable with this topic he registered.

"How is everyone at home, Manjari anuty, Neil?", she tried to change the topic.

"Everyone is good, even I am kinda fine, since you didn't asked.", he said trying to elevate the tension and gained a smile in return.

"What about you? How's everyone at your home?", he asked to prolong this chat.

With that question being on page she increased the pace of her steps as if running away from this conversation.
"They all are doing fine I guess.", before he could add something, she said pointing towards an entry gate.
"We have reached the metro station, let's go in."

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