Two pairs of rainbow eyes stared down at her with a huge grinning smile. The body was impossible to see. The leaves were either hiding it or it was invisible. The eyes and mouth moved towards her without a sound without any shift at all in its features. Like it was...floating. Willow shivered and backed away from the thing and its face tilted so it stayed staring at her.

Her heart raced in her chest and her breath started to come in quick and fast puffs. Her vision swam, and for a moment she thought she was going to black out but... those rainbow eyes. They still filtered through her blurred vision, and she knew, knew, that she needed to run. But the shifting colors were hypnotizing.


And with a whoosh of panic, fear, and fury, Willow snapped back and roared as she broke away from the gaze of the creature and ran in the direction that she knew was home. That's when her own scream sounded in her ears. She glanced back to see the creature; its body now visible.

Willow's eyes widened in horror. Its mouth was open, almost unhinged and it screamed again its black mouth a void. Two of its rainbow eyes were closed and the two that remained open were black through a through. Its body...wasn't a body. Just tentacles. Big and thick and black all writhing together in a mass of sludge. No wonder it seemed as though it had floated.

Willow looked forward again and pushed herself past every and any limits that had been in place. Because before she hadn't been running for her life. Her heart jumped and something in her mind ticked once, twice, three, times before power and energy and more and more FURY filled every one of her veins and every inch of her lungs.

Her body hummed with power and her legs stumbled on the ground before she pushed off and flew forward several feet before she pushed again, her strides becoming great leaping bounds and soon the hissing writhing creature was screaming her voice in anger and despair. Willow grinned until she heard another scream and another.

All using her voice.

Willow glared at the area in front of her but kept running. The underbrush all around her was heaving and rustling and screaming, screaming, screaming.

A big black tentacle threw itself out of the brush and grabbed at Willow. Surprised Willow leapt to the side and slammed into a tree; her own power being used against her. She stumbled but then grinned as an idea began to form in her mind. She lunged towards the writhing tentacle and leapt up towards the tree behind and to the side of it. Tentacles were shooting out of the brush from everywhere and Willow's feet slammed into the trunk of the tree, and she pushed off it and shot off towards the next tree on the other side. Again, her feet slammed into the thick truck only cracks started to spread across the trunk, but Willow didn't dwell on it already leaping to the next tree.

She didn't push as hard seeing as the tentacles were having a hard time getting to her in the trees. And the creatures were also falling behind. Willow leaped again and again, adrenaline and exhilaration filled her, and she laughed. She was soon lost in the rhythmic spring across the trees and was only brought back to reality when her feet smashed through the top of a tree, and she started to fall.

Panic set in but her body seemed to know what to do, and she landed and rolled absorbing the impact without any damage. Breathing hard she looked up at the splintered remains of the treetop. Which was much lower to the ground than the deep forest ones. Willow looked around confused for a moment before she noticed the gaping jaws of the three kids beside her. Cringing, she stood up grunting, surprised. Her whole body ached. Her spine, her arms, her legs. And her hair?! How did her hair hurt?

Shaking her head, she looked intensely at the group. It was made up of two guys and a girl. Willow recognized the girl from seeing her a few times. And the brown haired one was obviously Rune's brother, but the other one Willow didn't ever remember seeing. Rune's brother stared at her until his eyes drifted down to her arms and his sister.

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