Chapter 1: Memories

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Days passed and no news reports of them were ever heard for nearly a year . The door opened to the office room and in stepped a tall muscular, blond man. Tucked under his arms were a few folders which contained important intel papers about the latest wrecked mess an organizations were causing in the city.
"Are you busy?" He asked in concern to his co-workers sitting behind desk top, hands typing in reports.
"Tch. The hell do you think? Of course I am."
"I have something for you." The short raven man stopped typing and spun his chair towards the tall man.
"What is it? If it's another case no thanks I'm already stressed out enough about the case I have."
"Maybe this will relieve you a bit."
The raven haired man removed his hands from his forehead and looked at the file folders set on the desk from the blond man. His hand lifted and snatched the folder away from the desk. He opens the folder to see three blurred images of a man wearing a tux with black jeans on, his white dress shirt having the first button undone and slightly pulled tie. A hat that casted a shadow on the mans face. The shadow, however, still hid most of his face. He scanned over the three images flipping them over to see the date they were taken. Not so long ago.
"Our photographer took a risk and snapped these. She was killed after they were taken, but I am still questioning as to why he decided to let us have these images and not destroy these."
"I hate to admit it, but you do have a good point there."
"I do hope this can help you know more about the organization of this man."
"Save your welcomes for later. I still have tons of work to do before going home."
"I see...Well, see you tomorrow morning then."
The blond man faced away from the man behind the polished desk and made his way to the door. His steps silenced from the black clean vacuumed floor. He was halted from the mans voice.
"And Erwin."
"I do hope you are aware of the place they will strike next?"
"Fully aware. But it would be a huge risk and more deaths of our teams and comrades. We don't want it to happen like last time. We'll talk more about this on tomorrow's meeting."
The door opens and he stepped out of the room before closing the door. Footsteps growing faintly as he walked away from the office. The raven haired man narrowed his cold steel eyes on the blurred images. He knew it would obviously be a huge risky thing to do to spy on them for a while. A modern time mafia? He thought they were no longer existing in this time and age. Guess he was wrong. They were smuggling every illegal objects into Japan possible. Their numbers were unknown and the Survey Police knew so very little about them. All they knew were their planning and attacks. They don't know the rest about them. It's like they were born out of no where, already powerful and strong that nothing can break them or be taken down. It was impossible.
The thought of the incident that happened long time ago, sent shivers down his spine. Though rage and anger flowed in his veins at the thought of it. He looked at the stack of papers on his desk to clear out the cleared cases. He had a lot of time and days to finish them anyways.
He stood up and grabbed his gun that sat next to his mouse. Tucking it on his gun holder on the side of his right hip. It was slightly a cold night so he threw his tux jacket on from his locker to head for dinner with his female work partner. He neatly folded his police jacket and tucked it in the upper cabinet. His cell phone rung showing a name he didn't want to and never answered. Knowing the useless talks would be given to him. He doesn't know what or how he became friends with the mad woman. His cellphone was still vibrating when he arrived at the entrance building. He sighed in irritating and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What the hell do you want, Zoë?"
"Levi! It's about time you answer your phone. I need you to come to my apartment immediately. There is something I need to show you!"
"It better be worth the time or I'll kick your sorry ass that I'll send you straight to the hospital."
"You would be arrested for it anyways."
"Whatever. I'm going to drive, I'll be there in ten."
He hung up and set it on the passenger seat. Forgetting about the reservation they both will ever go. He pressed the on button to his car and drove out the area to the streets. They were empty and dangerous at the same time during the night. He knew some of them were out there, hiding in the shadows.

Everyday was the same. Having no idea what to do, desperately looking for answers, and half of the building were scared of them. He knew they were in public, but they seem to blend in so well with the population, he doesn't know who it is.

It could have been the people who passed by him, the building shops next door, or under the same roof while having lunch and dinner. He looks at the time while he saw his destination came in view.

It was a small apartment flat near his work place. He parks his car in the almost filled parking lot and turn off the engine. Getting out and locking the door any human being would do. Unless people who are confident and wealthy enough to leave their cars unlocked and get their possession be stolen and buy the same one later.

"Open the damn door."

He heard shuffling from the other side of the door before it was opened. He clicked his tongue and walked passed her. She smiled
"Ah...I thought you wouldn't come."
"I'm damn tired alright. What is it that you wanted to show me? I don't have all night."
"The mafia strike the bank from the corner and did something you would really scold me."
"What in the names of heaven did you do?!"
His patient and containing his anger in was running thin. The woman smiled nervously and looked around.
"Well...something Erwin told me to not dare to do. Sneak out and try to get as close as possible to boss without being noticed. Not to close but not to far either."
"You do know you could have died there?!"
"It was worth it! Believe me...Come and take a look."
She made him follow her to the office room where the curtians were shut and a computer on.
"I snapped a few pictures. Noted down their plans. Thanks to me. I decided to give you some help on this one."
She grinned as she showed him a better image.
He shoved her aside and scanned through the images taken. Three females were around a round table. All three were wearing tux. One of them seem to be facing the other direction. Facing a familiar figure. The last image taken sent him on edge. The image seem be much clearer, less blurry. Able to see the mans face. He quickly had the printer scan the image and sent to the computer to zoom in and use a photoshop to make the image clearer as possible. When the loading finished, his tiredness vanished and eyes widen in shock.

"'s....that's not....possible."


Hey guys. I'm happy to finally release this first chapter after spending nights and hours just randomly typing whatever comes in my mind. This is my first story of Ereri, so sorry if it's crappy. Feedback would be amazing and great help for me. I will update every Sunday, Wednesday, And Friday. Thank to my cousin for sending me this amazing drawn picture by whoever drew this. Someone tell me the artist name. This is amazing. Also Have a great day/night ^~^ Till next time!

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