That Guy

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Hello my little chickens,

The usual, I'm sorry, blaa blaa... I completely forget about this but then I go on and see how many people like my book(s) and send me messages :) Makes my day/night tbh

Anyway, time for a story about 'that guy' I've said about before
Last night, I sent "Snaps" to a couple of people (including him) on snapchat, so he said hey to me... The only thing is... There was emojis! I don't mean any emojis, I mean, heart eyes, hearts and smirk emojis! And he was biting his lip, which let me tell you, is so hot! Anyway, me being me, I said hi back and used those type of emojis.
Casually conversation as usual (really nice conversation too) and I took a mirror selfie. You know, as you do... So he said... "Good" *to my reply* "and your arse *smirk and heart emojis*" So me playing along I asked "What about it? *smirk and heart eyes emoji*" and he was like "It's perfect *heart eyes, smirk and blowy kiss emojis*"... Omfg!! My crush!!!
And speaking about crush, he told me he thinks he likes me!!!!! I can't contain my excitement. I know what you'll all be like, 'ask him out then' etc, but no.. I never do that. Never.
Oh oh oh! I had to take my makeup off, so I told him "No makeup now btw *monkey covering eyes, blowy kiss and heart emojis*" and get this.... He went "Perfect anyway *heart eyes, smirk and heart emojis*"!!!!!!!!! I know I talked about this in the last chapter but I'm so much more excited now because my feelings have grown!
I love having nice conversations with him... Unless he goes on about sex and tells me he has condoms... Normal, right?! But he knows I'm not ready and he can't force me into anything.

I also found out one of my friends (who's kinda close to me) likes me too so...... Awkward for me....

I'm sorry if this chapter was crap, I needed to get this off my chest so yeah....

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