Chapter 44 - Daughter and grandson

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I've been standing here since the sun came up, watching as the nurse comes and goes every hour or less to check on him and feed him.

Watching that small bundle of pink/purplish flesh screaming and crying while kicking his legs around his crib does something weird to me.

I hate hearing him cry. The sound gets inside my head and traps me in my memories, making me revive the whole kidnapped by Vinico scene again. Memories that I and everyone else thought were lost for good resurfaced due to that small thing.

I feel as if this is him delivering my punishment for almost killing them both. And he delivers it with no mercy, that's for sure.

"She is cute, isn't she?" Shauwn said from behind me, putting his hand on top of my shoulder and startling me out of my thoughts. I tense my muscles, but I don't acknowledge him, staying rooted in place, observing the baby.

"She?" I ask him.

The day of the accident was like an explosion of confusion blasted inside of me, making me act up more than usual. However, watching my neph- niece for the last couple of hours felt like a bucket of cold water was thrown at me, extinguishing the fire left behind by that explosion.

"Yeah, she's a girl, and her name is Blaze Sinner."

Blaze Sinner... My niece... Daughter of my sister... A sister I almost killed while pregnant with this child. A sister I never knew I had, but that has saved my ass more times than I could ever repay her.

My sister, whose hair was once red from saving me from Vinico's punishments and someone I only recognized due to her hair being socked in crimson blood once again.

What a good fucking brother I am, attacking my pregnant sister and almost making her lose both, the baby and her life.

"I almost killed her," I stated coldly, still watching the baby.

Some nurses on call even started gossiping about me being the daddy, but besides disgusting, that is a title I will never be worthy of. Especially to this little one, I don't even deserve to be called her uncle, I should be addressed as her almost murderer.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, cousin. You may think you almost killed her, but if you hadn't punched Sage, Blaze wouldn't be here." Yeah, right. She'll probably still be in her mother's womb.

Girls in my family were almost a myth since my grandfather's grandmother, and I almost murdered the first two to exist in nearly two hundred years. That is unforgivable!

I shrugged Shauwn's hands off of my shoulder and clenched my jaw tightly.

This is such a fucked up situation.

"I'm serious, dude! Sage told me the doctors found Blaze asphyxiating on her umbilical cord, she was in distress but Sage didn't feel anything. If it wasn't for you, by the time she felt something was wrong, it would already be too late for Blaze. You're an accidental hero, Diesel! You'll see when Sage wakes up, she'll tell you the same thing as me." Shauwn tried to slap my back in a 'comforting' manner, but as soon as his hand made contact with me, I grabbed his hand and drily dropped it. I sent him a warning glare, and he lowered his hands to his side, understanding the message.

"If she ever wants to see me. I know if I was in her place, I would never want anything to do with this family. After everything, we have put her through unknowingly. I just hope my sister and that baby get through this alright. One thing I know for certain is that someone is going to pay for all this."

"That is true, anyway I came to tell you there was a leak last night. Someone photographed your father with your sister, and the photo is all over the papers and the news, uncle wants you to take care of the responsible as soon as they're found."

"Got it, now get lost." I deliberately dismissed him.

"Rude! Meanwhile, I'm going on a lunch date with my cute godson and his parents. Addio principessa, addio blocco di ghiaccio. (Goodbye princess, goodbye ice block.)" I glared at Shauwn when he called me ice block, but the mocking flying kiss he sent me made this all unworthy. He makes things seem too gay with his stupid jokes!

"Bastard," I mumbled.

"I'm very much legitim, thank you very much!" He answered me in mock offense and left the corridor laughing.

Annoying stupor.

I turned back to my niece and returned to observing her through the glass, watching her nurse a small bottle of milk.


It hadn't hit me yet until Shauwn left the room, but I am a grandpa. A freaking grandfather already, and it's not from either of my boys.

"I have a daughter, and my daughter has a baby..." I made the connection out loud, feeling my whole body going numb with realization. My head felt dizzy, and I let it fall forward onto Sage's bed.

I am a little girl's dad AND a grandfather.

A new little Sinner was born, and he is my grandson. I think I'm going to pass out.

"Sin..? Sin? Sin, ci sei? (Sin, are you there?)"

"I'm a grandpa, and I have a daughter." I felt worse than numb when those words left my mouth. I didn't even realize I had taken my phone from my pocket and dialed my cousin Vito's number until he answered me.

"WHAT!? Are you on drugs again? Are you drunk? What the fuck are you talking about? ANSWER ME MOTHERFUCKER!"

"This is war. Whoever from the fucking Hedgehogs touched my baby is dead! You get the fucking troops because as soon as she's awake, I'll get a name."

"What the hell? You're serious? How do you know-"

"That she's mine?" I cut him off. "Because this little miss is my carbon copy with Dalila's fool mouth, besides her mark is there. Vinico went through a lot of trouble to hide her from me." I heard the loud sound of something being dropped, and that sound was closely followed by Vito's shaky exhale.

"Fucking shitty hell, Sin. You can't just drop a bomb like this on me. I'm older than you, bastard. My poor heart won't take it one day." His voice sounded rough, overcome with emotion but the unmistakable sound of his pistol barrel closing after he checked his bullets echoed through the call.

"You obviously don't read magazines, otherwise, you would have seen us in all our bloody glory on the front cover of one. By the way, we need to deep clean the house, that was the last thing she said before she was shot." My eyes fell on Sage's still form. The color was slowly returning to her, but I still found her very pale, she needs to catch some sun. And she's extremely thin, I need to change that.

"SHOT!? Did you-" Damned bastard must think I'm going deaf to scream in my ears.

"Yeah, we got the fucker. We had to bring her to the hospital, but she hasn't woken up yet." I patiently told him and caressed my daughter's hand.

You may hate me as much as you'd like, but I already love you, principessa (princess). I'm sorry for being so dumb. I mentally apologized to her and went back to caressing her knuckles.

"Call me when she wakes up. We'll be there by nightfall. And the baby, Sin, have you gone to see him?" My grandson, I haven't even gone to check on him yet! But I'm sure one of the guys is with him, either that or one of the many bodyguards John and Stella requested me must be watching him.

I can't wait to spoil the little one. Sage won't even know what hit them when we finally take her home, I'm having people arrange her a room, and the nursery will be connected to her room, and it will be amazing!

I can't wait to take them home!


Shit, I was daydreaming and didn't answer him.

"Yeah, I'm still here, and no. I've been standing watch over her ever since she got out of surgery. But I know one of the guys is with the kid."


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