Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

    The conference room was quiet, the sound of paper opening was clearly amplified, and the atmosphere became depressed.

    After a long time, Wen Jin finally read the agreement and closed it and handed it to Lawyer Chen next to him, "Look at this agreement, our agreement is signed with Yunfei, how Yunfei pays the money has nothing to do with us."

    He knew Shen Yunjue.

    Yunfei has been favored by many investment companies, with an estimated value of hundreds of millions. He also had the idea of ​​wanting to invest, so he specially sent someone to investigate Shen Yunjue.

    His talent and ability are not said, but he can't operate at all.

    Another shareholder of Yunfei is a classmate of Shen Yunjue, who is completely the opposite of his personality, who only knows how to do business but not design. This man has a good eye and a low hand, and relies on Shen Yunjue's reputation to invest blindly everywhere.

    Such a partner can easily destroy the company and Shen Yunjue.

    He also gave up the plan to invest in Yunfei for this reason.

    Looking at it now, my judgment is correct.

    The meeting room fell silent again, and the atmosphere was deadlocked.

    "Mr. Wen, the contract has been drawn up, take a look at it." Lawyer Chen turned the computer over and took a sip of water from the glass at hand.

    Wen Jin raised his hand and put down his glasses, his eyes showed a bit of sharpness, and he frowned at the documents on the computer.

    The terms of the contract are very clear. Gu Chuchu enjoys absolute control over the studio, and enjoys the copyright, production rights and pricing rights of all works by Shen Yunjue.

    Shen Yunjue is only a designer in Yunfei from now on, and enjoys certain dividends. In addition, she is not allowed to accept designs entrusted by anyone in private. Once discovered, it will be regarded as a breach of contract.

    Wen Jin carefully read all the terms and nodded slightly, "No problem."

    After he finished speaking, he pushed the computer in front of Shen Yunjue, and said coldly, "Mr. Shen will also look at it."

    "No need." Shen Yunjue's eyes turned from Gu Chuchu Sweeping over his body, his thin lips pulled it, "He Bin, go and print out the contract."

    "Yes." He Bin squeezed his sweat secretly, always feeling that Shen Yunjue was a little abnormal today.

    He went to get a USB flash drive and copied the contract. He went into the printing room and turned on the computer to open it. He almost fainted.

    This is not only selling Yunfei, but also selling himself? !

    The only thing that can comfort him is that the new boss is a little girl and shouldn't squeeze Shen Yunjue.

    The little girl's eyes were clean and clear, and she felt very easy to get along with.

    He Bin sighed secretly, printed out the contract, and turned back to the conference room in a dejected manner.

    I hope this little girl doesn't look like the last partner, except to squeeze Shen Yunjue, she can't do anything serious.

    "Cain, the contract has been printed." He Bin put the contract in Shen Yunjue's hand and stepped back quietly.

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