Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    Gu Chuchu recalled the content of the contract signed that day, and his nervousness eased a little, and continued to answer the teacher's question seriously.

    She is the boss and has absolute power in Yunfei, so she is not afraid of being passed by Shen Yunjue.

    Shen Yunjue can't interfere with the company's operations, nor can she interfere in personnel affairs. She has the final say in everything.

    After answering the last question, Gu Chuchu couldn't help but secretly glanced at Shen Yunjue again, put away his computer, and thanked him.

    Their professional question-opening and defense must be combined with the completion of the final set to pass, but don't worry.

    "At the beginning of the year, what was going on inside? Why did everyone come out looking like they were beaten up and didn't say the reason." Xu Banxia grabbed her and asked nervously

    . Chu Chu pursed her lower lip, her beautiful almond eyes slightly curved, "You'll know when you go in, you can't tell."

    "Every one of them will sell to me, can you be okay?" care.

    Gu Chuchu covered his mouth and smiled brightly.

    After a while, she heard the teacher call Xu Banxia's name, raised her hand and patted her shoulder and whispered encouragement, "Come on, you can do it."

    Xu Banxia tossed her hair and turned around gracefully.

    Gu Chuchu couldn't help laughing again.

    "Gu Chuchu, your male god came to choose the intern in person, you won't lose the election." Sun Jiaqi came over with the computer and smiled teasingly, "All the majors know that Cain is your idol, don't be ashamed."

    "You passed . Already?" Gu Chuchu looked at her in surprise.

    "Of course, at the end of the defense, you will be notified whether you passed Yunfei's interview." Sun Jiaqi sneered, "You didn't pass, that's really a pity. Yunfei doesn't have money to get in, let's see how you show off this time."

    She thought that at the auction, Gu Chuchu took the blue diamond so generously.

    Dressed so poor, who gave her the black card.

    The daughter of the richest man Gu's family is abroad, and it is impossible for her to be her.

    "Gu Chuchu, you didn't pass the internship interview, didn't you?" Feng Weiwei squeezed over and said sympathetically, "Did you lose the chain this time?"

    Gu Chuchu smiled and shook his head, "It shouldn't, I'm ready. Very sufficient."

    "But this time Yunfei only has four internship places, Sun Jiaqi got one, and the remaining three don't know who will be selected." Feng Weiwei complained for her, "You are the most likely to be unsuccessful."

    "People must have self-knowledge." Sun Jiaqi sneered and pulled Feng Weiwei away.

    At her level that she can't do, it's just wishful thinking to want to join Yunfei as an intern. Not to mention Yunfei, even a lower-grade sharp design would not want her.

    Gu Chuchu raised his hand and touched his nose, then shook his head helplessly.

    She did not pass the internship interview, but she is Yunfei's boss, and she does not need an interview to go to her studio for an internship.

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