Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    After eating and going out, Gu Chuchu called Liang Yun and heard her say, "President Wen will pick you up, he is at the door."

    "Okay, I see." Gu Chuchu hung up the phone, Looking at Xu Banxia in frustration, "My brother is here."

    Wen Jin should have come to pick up Wen Xin, but when he saw Liang Yun was there, he changed his mind to pick him up.

    There is no plot of the original owner breaking up with Yao Qingze in the original book, and he is not the kind of person who will find his parents when something goes wrong. If so, he will not succeed in starting a business.

    The most likely reason is that, as I guessed just now, Wen Jin appeared here to warm his heart.

    "Yao Qingze is so shameless, he actually asked your brother to be a lobbyist." Xu Banxia was blown up when he heard that, and the short hair on the top of his head swayed like a fried hedgehog.

    Gu Chuchu almost couldn't help laughing when he saw it, but he held it back in time, "It's not him, it's my brother who doesn't worry about me, and it's not that you don't know how nervous he is about me."

    Since she told Wen Jin that she was sick, Wen Jin was very considerate and pampered.

    However, before the illness was brought to light, he had been busy with the company's business and lived in the company every three days.

    "You'd better tell your brother, you have to deal with him anyway." Xu Banxia waved his fist, "If I had such a brother, I would definitely walk sideways. It's a pity that I only have one wild brother who thinks about dividing the family property with me every day. ."

    Gu Chuchu nodded with a smile.

    Xu Banxia's brother is very nice, but she doesn't know it yet.

    In the original book, when she did Wenjin and Yao Qingze together, her brother was abroad and had no contact with her.

    Knowing that she died abroad, it was her brother who went to bring her ashes back.

    Later, her brother set a trap to deceive Sun Jiaqi abroad, and used his own way to treat others. However, Sun Jiaqi was lucky, only one right hand was cut off, and she could no longer do design.

    Xu Banxia's brother also has another identity - the villain in the original book, the biggest competitor in the male protagonist's career.

    Gu Chuchu squeezed Xu Banxia's arm and decided to find an opportunity to let their siblings get acquainted with each other and get in touch with each other.

    If she really can't live for half a year, someone will protect her in the future.

    Walking out of the lobby of Lanmei Garden, Wen Jin's car was parked on the side of the road, the black body reflected a gorgeous streamer, and the person behind the window could only see a vague outline.

    Gu Chuchu waved to Xu Banxia, ​​did a good job of psychological construction, lowered his head, blinked hard to force out a few tears, and opened the door to get in the car.

    "Go to the hospital." Wen Jin instructed the driver, took off his glasses, pinched the root of his nose, and turned his head to look at Gu Chuchu, who was too quiet.

    Yao Qingze just walked away, and his face didn't look very good. He asked him if he didn't say that he couldn't continue to ask.

    Lest he think that while he is in charge of Gu Chuchu, he is also in charge of him.

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