Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    Shen Yunjue also looked up, Jianmei frowned slightly.

    Grandpa really hid something from himself, and he hid it so well. Fortunately, I was well prepared, not to mention calling the doctor, even if I moved all the equipment from the Gu family hospital, I was not afraid.

    The eldest brother is also an expert in this area. In Grandpa's opinion, he will not lie in front of Grandpa Gu.

    "This is an expert from the brain hospital. He has treated Chuchu, and we might as well listen to his opinion." Mr. Shen said in a serious tone, "If there is a disease to treat it, with the strength of our two families, I don't believe it can't be cured. Good Chuchu."

    Gu Chuchu: "..."

    To be so serious, just to treat her, not to let them break up immediately?

    She thought that the two old people would quarrel.

    Fortunately, he had already let Mu Feng do the trick, even if Mr. Shen disagreed with them being together, it didn't matter much.

    But Wen Jin must deal with it as soon as possible, otherwise she will be in constant fear and will not be able to live a good life.

    Shen Yunjue unconsciously pursed the corner of her lower lip.

    Shen Jinglan should not have expected such a result?

    "Alright, listen to what the doctor has to say." Old Man Gu put down the diagnosis report and turned to look at Gu Chuchu with a calm expression.

    Gu Chuchu lowered his head in a guilty conscience, pursed his lips and said nothing.

    She didn't go for a follow-up recently, and she didn't know whether the tumor continued to grow or had shrunk, but all the previous symptoms disappeared without any discomfort.

    "Master, this gentleman said that he was invited by Elder Shen." Uncle Wu led the doctor into the tea room and quietly stepped aside.

    "Sit down." The old man Shen had a smile on his face and motioned the expert to sit down.

    "No need, I'll leave after I say it." The expert glanced at Gu Chuchu and said seriously, "Miss Gu is not sick, and her diagnosis results are normal."

    He sees countless patients every day, and he can't remember what so many patients look like, but Gu Chuchu left a deep impression on him.

    She was the calmest of all the patients she had seen, and the only one who asked him to keep it a secret.

    I didn't know her identity before, and out of professional instinct, I promised to help her keep it a secret.

    Now that she knows her identity, let alone say it.

    The heir of the Gu family, the impact on his health is so great that a poor doctor can't afford it.

    Since she asked for confidentiality, it should be a choice after a lot of consideration.

    "Then what's the matter with the diagnosis result?" Elder Shen frowned, "Can the diagnosis result be faked?"

    "Grandpa Shen, this kind of thing is very easy to fake." Gu Chuchu smiled and took out his mobile phone. Searching for my name online turned up all sorts of terminally ill thriller titles.

    She originally planned to let Mu Feng invade the hospital's system and directly modify the results, considering that it was illegal to do so. So I just let him write a small program, as long as you search for her name, news of terminal illness will appear.

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