Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

    Shen Yunjue paused in her footsteps, turned her head sideways, glanced at him coldly, and pursed her lips.

    He respects Gu Chuchu's choice. If she is unwilling to accept herself as she did in her previous life, he will not force her, much less use Gu's future as a threat to coerce her to be with him.

    Not everyone has a chance to come back.

    He cherished this opportunity.

    Although I really want to marry her home now and tell everyone that I have the ability to protect her and help her support the Gu family.

    But if she doesn't nod, she won't force it.

    "The little rabbit seems to be reborn just like us." Mu Feng said straight to the point, "I respect her choice."

    Gu Chuchu loved Shen Yunjue very much.

    Otherwise, she would not agree to his marriage proposal in her previous life, nor would she go to get a certificate with him. I know all this, and I know that no matter how hard I try, Gu Chuchu will never fall in love with me.

    But he still wanted her to be happy.

    "I also respect her choice." Shen Yunjue paused and turned back, with an unhappy tone, "It's you, be careful to cause trouble, Hu Xiangjun is not an innocent girl."

    No matter what method he used to gain Hu Xiangjun's trust, Hu Xiangjun was deeply in his heart. He will be guarded everywhere.

    She had been clinging to her father just after graduating from college, and she had deliberately become pregnant. The picture was of the identity of Zhenchen's heir, Shen's father's son.

    Over the years, Hu Xiangjun has been promoted from the grassroots to the general manager in Zhenchen, and his skill and ability should not be underestimated.

    "I made arrangements for a whole month in advance, and I was ready to enter Zhenchen from the moment I returned to China." Mu Feng laughed, "I have a sense of restraint. If I want to drag me into the water, I have to use some means."

    He put a long bait Only when Hu Xiangjun was hooked, and she rejected her several times during the period, it was no surprise that she would guard herself.

    Zai Zhenchen was not at all wary and couldn't sit in her place.

    It is a pity that within the Zhenchen Group of the Shen family, there are not many supporters of Hu Xiangjun, and there are even fewer people who can use it.

    Outsiders don't know that Shen's parents are derailed and divorced, but high-level people inside the group know exactly that.

    Don't look at Mr. Shen allowing her to join the group and giving her a chance to be promoted to let her enter the core layer. He is interested in Hu Xiangjun's ability, but he has always been wary of her.

    After all, Hu Xiangjun is not the original match, and his ambitions are also very big.

    Ambitious people, easy to use, but also dangerous.

    "Don't talk too much." Shen Yunjue replied in a light voice and walked in.

    Mu Feng threw off her flowing silver bangs and followed quickly.

    He has no confidence at all, so what's the use of living again?

    Passing through the small courtyard behind the door and entering the box, Xu Banxia and Gu Chuchu were sitting together. Ethan didn't know what to say, which made them both burst into laughter.

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