Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

    Xu Banxia looked down at the little hand that grabbed her arm tightly, her delicate makeup face full of anger, "Baby, let me go."

    She had to teach Sun Jiaqi a lesson today.

    "Why do you want to bite back if you were bitten by a dog? Just beat him to death." Gu Chuchu's voice was soft, and his neon eyes sparkled, "Go in."

    Xu Banxia pondered her words and nodded with a smile. .

    Sun Jiaqi's family background is at most a fraction of that of the Gu family, and she doesn't know much about her.

    The gems on display tonight are all very precious, but only diamonds are valuable, and Sun Jiaqi may not be able to afford them.

    "Gu Chuchu, who are you calling a dog?" Sun Jiaqi took a step forward and reached out to block her path, "You speak clearly."

    Gu Chuchu is famous for his good temper, and his academic performance is average on weekdays. She looks innocent and harmless, and every time she does her homework, someone helps her complete it.

    And every time I can press myself on the score.

    Not only that, she always put on a pitiful little white flower appearance, and asked the boys in the class to crusade herself for her.

    Today, whether she ate bear heart leopard gall or couldn't hold the little white flower, she dared to say back.

    "Whoever takes the right seat will say whoever. Sun Jiaqi, don't you think I'm scolding you?" Gu Chuchu's lips curled into a small smile, his voice soft and waxy, "Then you think too much, I didn't name you."

    Sun Jiaqi I don't like the original owner very much. I feel that the original owner is liked by the classmates, which is a scheming performance.

    I think the heroine's homework is done beautifully because the classmates helped cheat.

    In fact, everyone is a scumbag, and they barely step on the line every time they take an exam. There's really nothing to contend with.

    "Wait for me." Sun Jiaqi choked on her chest, her eyes widened, she gave her a vicious look and turned away.

    She didn't like Gu Chuchu, and she didn't like it since she was a freshman.

    There is no special reason, so I can't stand the way she doesn't get angry no matter what happens.

    The boys in the class prefer her, the girls also prefer her, and even the professor is very optimistic about her.

    Obviously, her grades are average, and she has no design talent.

    I usually don't care, this time I directly robbed the mentor I liked, which is unbearable.

    Sun Jiaqi returned to her classmate Feng Weiwei and couldn't help but glance at Gu Chuchu again.

    The girl was wearing a white paper-cut lace dress with a slender figure, long straight black hair braided into loose braids, and her face with only a layer of light makeup was still beautiful and breath-taking.

    She stood in the cold wind, and the mottled neon fell on her body, but she was as beautiful as a fairy.

    Shen Jiaqi looked away, feeling even more angry in her heart.

    Tonight's exhibition, all invited are celebrities, and they are embarrassed to say their assets below 10 billion.

    Gu Chuchu, a poor ghost who doesn't even have a dress, is here to join in the fun.

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