Chapter 2.

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It's been almost 2 years since Levi and I got married. The last 2 years have been so amazing. I leave for training a few days before our anniversary, so we told each other that we will celebrate the anniversary when I get back in a few years.

Time skip

I am currently standing in formation with the rest of the 104th training regiment. Commander Shadis went around asking certain cadets for their names and hometowns. He gets to me and I thought he was going to walk by me but I had gotten my hopes up. "Cadet, name, and place of residence." Commander Shadis ordered me to tell. "Birthname Alex Smith, Legal name Alex Smith-Ackerman from Wall Rose," I told in a firm voice to him. Commander Shadis stopped short and he looked like he was lost for words like everyone else was. That's when it clicked who I was to him. He's really good friends with my older brother. All of the sudden there was laughing to my right, we looked over to see Eren Yeager trying to stop his childhood friend Mikasa Ackerman from laughing like a madman. "She's lying about her name. There's no way she's a true Ackerman." Mikasa was yelling and trying to get to me. I just rolled my eyes at her.

Commander Keith Shadis POV

I walked up to this blonde girl with semi-thick eyebrows and blueish-green eyes, she was short, probably the same height as Levi Ackerman. "Cadet, name, and place of residence," I ordered her to tell. "Birthname Alex Smith, Legal name Alex Smith-Ackerman from Wall Rose." She said back in a firm but strong voice. I was lost for words while looking and studying her, I realized that she was Commander Erwin Smith's baby sister. I am really good friends with her brother. All of a sudden we heard laughing from my left, We all looked over to see Mikasa Ackerman laughing like a madman yelling that she was lying about her name. I was about to say something to her but Alex grabbed my arm and asked "Please don't tell them who I am, Keith. Please." I gave a curt nod of my head and dismissed the formation to lunch.

Alex's POV

After lunch, I was told that Commander Shadis wanted to see me in his office. When I got there, I knocked on the door and waited to be let when. After a few seconds, the door opened and Commander Shadis stepped back towards his desk to let me in I closed the door behind me. "Commander, you wanted to see me?" I asked with a strong voice and an emotionless face. "Please Alex, call me Keith when in private. But yes, I wanted to ask why Erwin never said anything about you coming to the training regiment?" "Ok Keith, I had asked him not to because I didn't want to be treated any differently than everyone else, because of who my brother was and who I'm married to." "Oh, you guys did get married. Well, congrats are in order then. When is your anniversary then?" "It's on January 18th, so we've been married almost 2 years." "Hmm, what are you guys going to do for the next 3 years with you being here." "We're going to celebrate all the anniversaries I've missed when I get back to join the scouts." Of course, Keith chuckles at that even though he knows that's been my favorite place to be for all of the years that he has known me.

Time skip 3 years.

On and off for the past 3 years, Mikasa has tried to sabotage me, just because I "claim to be an Ackerman", but I always outsmarted her and her plans always backfired on her. Today is the day we get to choose which military regiment we get to go to, first topic is the top ten cadets. As we all stand around in formation, we waited for the ceremony to being. "Welcome 104th Cadets, We will be going through the top ten cadets.
10- Sasha Braus
9- Connie Springer
8- Marco Bodt
7- Jean Kirschtein
6- Eren Yeager
5- Annie Leonhart
4- Bertholdt Hoover
3- Reiner Braun
2- Mikasa Ackerman
1- Alex Smith-Ackerman
Congratulations everyone." Commander Shadis said. We were dismissed and told not to go very far. I just stood there while everyone come up to me to Congratulate me on getting the number 1 spot. After a little while of waiting it was time to pick where we go. "Welcome cadets I am Commander Erwin Smith in charge of the Survey Corps also known as the Scouts" After a few minutes of the intense speech only a handful of us, cadets, stayed. I finally looked up to the stage after the commotion died down. I saw my brother, my good friend Hange, my husband Levi, and a few others. Commander Erwin did another speech and saluted us, so we saluted back while doing this I caught my brother's eyes and gave him a nod and a smirk, to which he nodded back to me. The little transaction was caught by Levi and he caught my gaze and he winked and smirked, of course, I winked back at him before moving my gaze around looking at everyone. Of course, at that moment Mikasa had to start yelling at me, saying I cheated and I'm lying about who I am. She ran at me so I caught her in a headlock and brought her to the ground all in one swift motion. Of course, this caught the attention of Commander Erwin and Captain Levi. Levi jumped off the stage and grabbed her from me. "Really Mikasa, you want to know who I am. My name is Alex Smith-Ackerman. I am the baby sister of Commander Erwin Smith and the wife of Captain Levi Ackerman. I was trained by the whole scout regiment growing up. I did not cheat." With my next words, I kneeled to her on the ground and said "I'm simply just better than you Mikasa."

A/n I know Mikasa isn't like this but I wanted to add some drama to the storyline.

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