Chapter 5.

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Alex's POV

    Out of nowhere, both Mikasa and Petra popped up and grabbed each shoulder, and tried pulling me off the bench backward. Jean had joined us and sat on my right side while I zoned out. The next thing I knew was, I was getting pulled back, but then I felt two arms against my back, one being Levi's, and then I looked over to see Jean. "What the fuck was that?" Levi yelled at the two girls while standing up to intimidate them. Erwin stood up and walked around the table to them and grabbed them by the shoulders, and dragged them to his office to talk to them. I sat there frozen, actually shocked about what had just happened. I couldn't believe they tried injuring me in front of Levi, Erwin, and Hange. "Alex, are you ok?" Jean inquired with so much worry in his voice that it made Levi almost glare at him as if he also wasn't super worried as well. "Yeah, I'm ok. Just super confused about why they would do that." I replied semi short of breath because of the shock. "Tch, I know why they did that. I'm surprised they had enough guts to do it in front of us, higher-ups, though. Those brats will be in a world full of hurt for trying to hurt a fellow cadet, let alone one, who is married to a captain and sister of the commander." Levi exclaimed while going on a short rant about those two. "I'll be back later, Alex. Be safe. I'll tell you what's going to happen later." As Levi stands up, he kisses me on my lips and forehead. All we hear after is a mixture of grunts and loud cheering. The grunts come from Jean being jealous, and the loud applause comes from Hange from seeing her favorite couple being lovey-dovey together. "Hey Hange, you're training with Eren's titan after lunch, right?" I asked them. "Yes, why? Do you want to join the craziness?" "Yes, please, anything that gets me away from Mikasa and Petra for now, at least, anyways." "Alrighty, that's fine, Alex," Hange replied.

------ Time skip ------

After lunch, Hange and I went to get Eren for his titan training. He was super nervous about the entire Titan training. He could not transform into his titan form for the life of himself. After a few hours of testing, and his hand is covered in scars, blood dripping down his hand and his face. Hange and I stepped away so we can discuss how to ensure what to do next. I glanced over to see a super annoyed Levi had joined the rest of his squad for a quick snack. Eren accidentally dropped his eating utensil, and the next thing you know, he semi-transformed into a titan, with it being only the arm portion. The Levi squad started freaking out and jumped into a defensive mode with their blades out at him. Levi got in between the two because they thought Eren did it on purpose. Hange and I finally got there, and they became very excited over the titan arm portion. They had tried to touch it, even though it was still steaming hot. They, of course, burnt their hand.

Time skip

    It was finally dinner time; I could finally relax and de-stress over some food. I sat at the higher-up's table and laid my head down on the table. I zoned out so much that when Levi put a cup of tea in front of me, I jumped out of surprise. "You ok, babe?" He asked, noticing how out of it I was. "Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just very stressed out from the day. Can I sleep with you tonight?" I replied to him. He just nodded to my question. I looked around and saw Erwin watching me with concern and worry in his eyes. Hange was there along with the squad leaders and section leaders. I stood up along with Levi, bidding everyone a good night. We went to his bedroom/ office. We took our nightly shower and went to bed. We both hugged and kissed each other. We both said; I love yous to each other.


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