Chapter 3.

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Levi's Pov

  I felt the tension from the small group of cadets that stayed after Erwin scared off most of them. I was looking around when I saw the small interaction in-between Erwin and Alex. I caught Alex's gaze and winked at her she did the same back to me. All of a sudden I heard someone start yelling that "She cheated and she's lying about her name." I watch as a girl who was standing next to Eren ran and tried to attack Alex but she caught the girl named Mikasa in a headlock and brought her down to the ground all in one motion. Damn, she's gotten even stronger. I ran at them and grabbed Mikasa from Alex and I watch as she told everyone who she was. "Really Mikasa, you want to know who I am. My name is Alex Smith-Ackerman. The baby sister of Commander Erwin Smith and wife of Captain Levi Ackerman. I didn't cheat, I was trained by the whole scout regiment." I watched as she kneeled to Mikasa and said "I didn't have to cheat. I'm just simply better than you." I had never seen Alex look so serious.

Alex's POV

     When I mentioned, who I was to everyone, they all looked confused and shocked. I got up and walked towards my brother and Hange. "Oh, my titan. That was so badass, Alex." Hange gushed over me. I just shrugged my shoulders at them. My brother didn't say anything. We all just walked away.

        Time skip

   The next day Levi made everyone clean Scout's castle, that's been empty for years. I was cleaning the room that was going to be mine when lunch was done and ready to be served, it was potato soup and a bread roll that tasted stale. After lunch we were ordered to train, so we all went out to the training yard and were told to split up into pairs and spare. "Do you want to be my partner, Alex?" I looked over my shoulder to see Jean behind me with a small blush coming across his cheeks. "Sure, Jean," I replied to him. We made a bet to see who wins 3 out of 5 rounds. For the first round, I was able to toss him over my shoulder. Second round, I hip-tossed him. Third round, I was able to lock him in a headlock and got a good grip on his uniform pants. He tried to kick my hand off but with the lack of balance, I was able to swing him around and toss him over my back. He lay on the ground struggling to get air, I extended my arm and hand to him to help him up. He grabbed my hand and I helped pull him up, so he was standing next to me. At this point, I noticed the quietness from the training grounds. I  looked around and noticed that everyone was staring at Jean and me when we were sparing each other. I even saw Levi trying not to smirk. Training went all the way to supper. We all went inside to head to the mess hall. During supper, I sat at a table with my brother, Hange and Levi. We were talking about my time training and what was going down with Mikasa. I was sitting in between Hange and Erwin with Levi sitting across from me. I looked over when I felt someone sitting down next to Levi and saw a red-haired girl, I haven't met yet. She noticed me and said "Hi I'm Petra. You?" "Tch, I'm Alex."
I replied trying to be nice to her. "Wow, you sound like the Captain. You must be trying to get on his good side. Thought you might want to know that he doesn't have a good side." Erwin, Hange, and I started laughing hard, even Levi gave a small chuckle. "I'm sorry for laughing but I don't need someone to tell me about my man, whom I've known for years. Thanks though, Petra." I got up after that winked at Levi and said "Bye. I'm going to my room for a shower." to my brother and Hange. With that, I walked around the table to Levi and gave him a small peck on the lips. Petra didn't like that or expected him to return the kiss. I walked away when I called out to Petra "You might want to research some of the cadets before you get hurt going after something that's not yours." I glanced back at her and winked while smirking. I continue walking to my room so I can grab a quick shower before passing out for the night. After the shower, I dried my hair got my pajamas on, and passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

Levi's Pov

   It was supper time and Alex joined us at the table. She was sitting in between Erwin and Shitty glasses (Hange). She sat across from me. The three of them were talking about her training and Mikasa, when a certain annoying person sat down next to me, which was Petra. I didn't have a problem with her except she keeps trying to flirt with me even when I told her no and that I'm married but she doesn't listen. "Hi, I'm Petra. You?" That caught my attention. "Tch, I'm Alex." I had to smirk, when she did that she sounded a lot like me. "Wow, you sound like the Captain. You must be trying to get on his good side. Thought you might want to know that he doesn't have a good side." The three across from us started laughing so hard I thought one of them was going to fall off the bench backward. I even let out a small chuckle because Petra knows nothing about Alex. "I'm sorry for laughing but I don't need someone to tell me about my man, whom I've known for years. Thanks though, Petra." After Alex said that she got up after that. Alex then winked at me and said "Bye. I'm going to my room for a shower." to  Erwin and Shitty glasses. With that, she walked around the table to me and gave me a small peck on the lips. Petra didn't like that or expected me to return the kiss. Of course, Alex walked away when she called out to Petra "You might want to research some of the cadets before you get hurt going after something that's not yours." Alex glanced back at her and winked while smirking. She continued walking to her room. I was very proud of my wife for that. Erwin and Shitty glasses were still laughing their asses off. "Who does she think she is speaking like that?" Petra was fuming. That got the attention of Erwin and Hange to the point they stopped laughing and just stared at her like she was crazy. "Her name is Alex Smith-Ackerman. The Commander's baby sister and Captain Levi's wife." We were all caught off guard when we heard the voice of Keith Shadis. He continues talking when Petra didn't say anything. "She's also a very good friend of mine and most of the other Cadets and section leaders in this room. Be careful what you say and do around her and the ones she loves. Commander Erwin, we need to talk." We all watch as they walked away together. I got up and decided to go check on Alex. When I got to her room I didn't hear any noises or anything, so I opened the door and noticed that she was passed out cold. I decided to let her sleep and talk to her in the morning instead. I went back to my office and started to think about what just happened in the mess hall. This will for sure cause a lot of tension between the two of them. Probably along with the rest of the cadets who look up to Alex as well.

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