18. Princess Charming

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Third Person POV

Lisa was leading girls at the back of the house to big garden.

When they were at back side of the house, girls were in awe. Once again.

It really was beautiful, with one big fountain in the middle, a lot of different flowers and trees. There also was one big garden furniture. 

"It's beautiful" Jennie said almost in whisper.

"It really is" Lisa said while looking at her.

She meant it! She really thought about Jennie on different way and she didn't know what that is. Now, when she recall the moment that happened between them before lunch, she can't help but wonder. Wonder about everything. All she wanted to do is hold Jennie's hand and to never let it go. She couldn't throw out the picture of them two so close to each other, from her head. She could still feel Jennie's hot breath on her neck. The way she pout! Oh god that makes her crazy. She adored everything about her, her every word, her every touch, her every movement. Jennie is just perfect. Way too perfect.

She didn't even bother to listen to what others were talking about while she was leading them in the middle. She was too focused on Jennie, it was like she occupied her whole mind. She didn't even realized they came to end of this part, where stairs and she almost fall down. Lucky for her Chaeyoung caught her on time.

"Hey, watch out" she said and gave her best friend worried look

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"Hey, watch out" she said and gave her best friend worried look.

She noticed that Lisa was being distant the whole time but she didn't want to ask too much.

"Right." Lisa said and stood straight. "You know I'm clumsy" she added with wink.

"Unfortunately" Chae answered playfully.

"By the way, it has been like 11 years since you two were friends?" Seulgi asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Come on, tell us something that is like the funniest thing you remember" she said.

She really was curious about this. She really really really liked Lisa and she wanted to know more about her. But she was well aware that Lisa is straight, and that bothered her too much.

Not just her, but everyone wanted to hear something funny about this two friends.

"Hmm, there is a lot of things" Lisa said and started thinking.

"Oh do you remember that time when we got drunk?" Chae asked excitedly.

"Which one exactly? You know there was a lot!"

"Yeah, yeah, but one when we talked with pregnant woman's stomach? Like we were talking with her baby?"

Lisa started laughing at memories "Oh my god yes! and you got angry when baby didn't want to answer you back" she said between laughs and everyone started laughing by now. "But do you guys know what's the best thing!?" she asked and turned around to face them.

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