31. What's what

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Jennie's POV

I heard someone calling my name in the middle of the night which immediately woke me up. I looked at my left and saw Lisa shaking and calling my name in dream. She looked so weak and I didn't know what to do. Well, best thing would be to wake her up because it doesn't seem like it's a good dream. I sat up on bed and gently shook her shoulders.

"Babe?" I called out for her but still nothing.

Her beautiful face was covered with sweat and even when I picked her up and bring her to bed before she looked very ill, and now she looks even worse. I become so worried so I shook her again.

"Babe, please wake up!" I pleaded and she slowly opened her eyes breathing hardly.

"Jennie!" she breathed out and hugged me tightly.

"Shh, babe, it was just a dream." I said but I could feel hot liquid on my shoulder and I knew she was crying. Was she dreaming about that night again? "It is over now honey."

"I had a dream about all this time in Paris with you was fake." she said and I really did not expect to hear that!

But somehow that managed to make me smile. I pulled away and looked at her watery eyes.

"I am here baby girl, and I am not planning to leave any time soon."

"But it was so realistic. I suddenly woke up in my room on date when we left for Paris." She said all the time holding my hands tightly like her life depends on this. But seriously that dream sounds weird. I would freak out as well. I brought her hands to my lips and kissed them gently.

"Everything is okay now, you don't have to worry about that. We should go back to sleep now babe." I said and she nodded.

She lay down and I immediately brought her closer to me. She buried her head in crook of my neck and breathed in deeply. She was so fragile at the moment and my heart was breaking. I kissed her temple and I swear she was burning. She needs to rest, her fever was so high already. I sighed and put cover over us. I just hope she will be better soon.


Sunlight was falling on my face and that was the exact thing that woke me up next morning. Lisa was still sleeping peacefully and I didn't have any plans on waking her up. Well, not just yet at least.

She was so freaking beautiful while sleeping. I mean she was beautiful all the time but this is something on other level. The way her messy hair cover little pieces of her face makes her looks free just like she is.
She is literally flawless, perfect. Every little thing about her is perfect.

I wonder how lucky I am when I got a girl like this. I mean, people would do everything to be around her, to get her attention. She could have anyone she wanted and she still choose me. If you are wondering why, I can't help you there because me, myself don't know why. Why would she ever choose someone like me?

I gently kissed her forehead and got up from bed. I will take quick shower and make her something to eat. I am not such a good cook as she is but I can try, jeez I would do anything for her. It was almost 2pm. already so I guess soup would be fine, right? I really hope so but I have to finish my business in the bathroom first.

I walked into bathroom and was mesmerized once again. This house literally leaves me speechless every time I walk in any of the room. I mean, sure I could have something like this and all, but I just enjoy the design and the fact she could come here alone or with her sister whenever she wants. I really hope my parents will allow me to move out soon. I want to live on my own and make my own decisions.

I finished shower quickly and when I walked out I found sleeping beauty, actually no, scratch that. I found sleeping goddess. Yes, that sounds better. I couldn't help but smile just by looking at her. Damn, I probably sound like some kind of a creep.

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