49. The Wedding

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Year later

Lisa's POV

I was woken up by voices from the hallway. Oh, who am I kidding, I didn't sleep whole night, I was so excited I couldn't close my eyes. Basically, I haven't slept whole week but I don't care.

Today's the day. We are getting married. Yes, we are both nineteen and we are getting married, deal with it. Maybe we are young but I know this is probably the only right thing I did, beside being with her in the first place. I am super nervous and excited and happy all the things at the same time. This is like dream come true. It's August and thank god, it's not too hot Day is perfect today, everything is nice.

I am at my parents' house, about to get ready here while Jennie is at her parents' house. We are getting married at our home. At our yard, everything is organised well, we hired officiant, I just hope decorations are as we planned.

Okay, so what should I do first? I guess getting up and showering isn't a bad idea? Right. I am so happy nothing's going to change this.

But before I could get out of the bed Chaeyoung and Seulgi bursted into my room with serious faces. Ugh this is not something I'm used to from them.

"What's up?" I asked while getting out of bed, they are probably going to tell me how I look like crap right now or some stuff like that just to make me feel like ripping their heads off.

They looked at each other and Chaeyoung gulped.

"You tell her" Char said and Seulgi looked at her and shook her head.

"No, you are her best friend, you should be the one she will hear it from." Seulgi said and they started arguing who should tell me, well whatever they have to tell me.

"Stop!" I said and they both stopped, glaring at each other. "Chipmunk, tell me" I said and she groaned.

"Well, uh, umm" she mumbled.

"Spill it already"

"She backed out!" Seulgi said immediately and groaned.

"Who backed out?" I asked already taking off my shirt and I saw Seulgi gulping so I threw it on her face.

"Your bride you idiot!" Chaeyoung said and my head snapped in her direction.

"WHAT?" I asked, my jaw dropping on the floor.

"Well, she kinda ran away?" Seulgi said, more like asked..

"What do you mean she ran away???" I started pacing in my room "she was totally fine yesterday, she was excited and happy. Oh god, move I have to go"

"Where?" Chaeyoung asked and stood in front of me, blocking my way.

"At her house to see her, duh" I said and she shook her head.

"No, Jisoo called us few minutes ago and said that they can't find her anywhere! She is not there!"

"Well, clearly I have to go and find her so MOVE right now" I said pushing through them.

Just when I walked out, in hallway Tina appeared in front of me.

"What's going on in here? We could hear you guys yelling downstairs" she said and wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'm going to find my bride so please, move away"


"Because she ran away! And now I have to go and find her. So please move or I'll physically make you."

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed and started laughing with other two behind me.

"What the hell?" I asked looking at them back and forth.

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