40. Clarity

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Lisa's POV

Jennie was giving me a cold shoulder all day long, I know I was a little distant and cold lately, but what happened all of sudden. God, I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

I forgot my equipment for practice at home so I just decided to skip last period and go to get it. I could just call someone to get it for me but I wanna take my mind of some stuff.

I came home, asked Willy to prepare a car and went into my room. I showered real quick and dressed my jersey took my bag and went downstairs. I took out my phone and realized it was off.

"Fuck" I mumbled and turned it on. Just when it was on I had like hundred messages and missed calls from Jennie, Chaeyoung and Jisoo. I was about to call Jennie and see what's going on when my phone rung again, it was Chaeyoung.

"Hey, Chipmunk wha-" I answered and opened door of house to walk out when I was cut off by yelling.

"Thank god!" Chae's voice was heard like she was standing right there, I looked at my phone and turned around and saw her and Jisoo getting out of her car. Oh, now that make sense.

"What's up?" I asked but she just ran towards me and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, her voice breaking like she was crying. She remembered.

"It's okay" I said and caressed her hair "Please don't cry"

"No, It's not okay" she said and pulled away when Jisoo came and took my hand in hers, I smiled lightly and she kissed my cheek "I'm so sorry baby" she whispered and I nodded, I honestly didn't know what to do or say, It's not their fault, I mean they don't have to remember everything right? I just sat down on stairs in front of the house and zoomed out while looking, well, somewhere I guess..

"I was too busy with my life that I totally forgot something that important. I was shocked when Jennie came to me this morning. God, I'm such a bad friend!" She said and sighed "Will you ever forgive me?"
"Jeez, Chae, chill. First of all you didn't do anything wrong, it could happen to anyone and I am not mad, okay? And second, Jennie talked to you?" I asked and tilted my head aside.

They laughed a little, even Jisoo mumbled
"whipped" under her breath but I just pretended like she didn't hear that, and Chaeyoung nodded.

"Yeah, she was freaking out" Chae said and I pulled her by shirt and she was down next to me which made Jisoo laugh.

"Talk" I said simply and Jisoo sat on my other side putting her hand on my tight.

"Girl was so worried about your behavior, she thought you were going to break up with her"

"WHAT!?" I jumped on my feet, god I was so shocked! "Did she - did she really think that?" I asked and Chaeyoung nodded. I just sighed and run hand through my hair.

"But then I remembered why you are like this and I told her" she added and I stared at her like she is on some drugs or something like that.

"You told her?" and she nodded again.

"Dear god" I mumbled "Come on, we have to go" I said and practically dragged them in Chaeyoung's car and shut the door.

"Wait, why don't you go with us?" Chae asked after opening the window.

"Jennie came with me this morning so" I said with shrug and turned around and climbed in my car.

"I told you, whipped" Jisoo said to Chae and they laughed.

"I HEARD THAT!" I yelled with smile and they laughed even more.

"That was the point" she said before I turned on the engine and drove past them with middle finger up in sky.

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