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kacchan pov

"I am going to find you deku"
that was the last thing I said before I went back to inform aizawa and all might.

as soon as I entered the dorm territory I immediately ran to look for aizawa sensei. he was in the kitchen making himself some coffee. "aizawa sensei. I think the lov kidnapped deku. here's the they left behind ." I didn't want to waste any time for explaining it. he didn't even say something he just immediately went straight to the teachers lounge. and after 10 minutes he appeared again. this time with all might. they both looked serious. I mean who wouldn't if your fav child got kidnapped ?

I told them about the walk that me and deku were making and how I went into the 24/7 store and about the letter of course. "I am going to find a way to save young midoriya, don't worry about it. for lets rest and we'll discuss it tomorrow." the no. 1 hero said as he slowly turned his head around to walk away and so did my homeroom teacher. I didn't get much sleep because I was worried about him. I finally found out that he liked me back and I don't want anyone to ruin this moment.

I swear to got when I find them... it's not going to end well.

shigarakis pov
"hachu!" why the fuck did I just sneezed?! "bless you" someone said behind me. I thought I was alone, I turned around and saw midoriya. he was looking at me clearly bored and waiting for something to happen. "yo kiddo wanna go kill some innocent people that didn't do anything to us?" he looked at me and thought about it for a second. "why do you wanna kill them?"
he asked , I didn't know why I just felt like doing it. "no special reason, just feel like killing someone." "you don't have to kill them, kill me instead!" he brightly smiled at me. I could but I don't know. I didn't fell like killing him... he's funny always not caring about himself and mostly showing no emotion. "you're a funny guy so no :>" I said as I stood up and commanded kurogiri to make a Portal to god knows where.

deku pov
we walked through it and were in an dark alley. "and whag do we do now?" I curiously asked
he looked at me "we are going to kill innocent people!" he said with a cheerful face. I just sighed, at some point I just really didn't care about me or the others around me. I just followed him, I guess he was happy that I followed him looking at his bright face.

"here's a knife, kill that man over there" he gave a sharp knife, it looked sharp but i just had to try it on my arm. I took off my bandages and put the sharp side on my arm and was about to let it slide down my arm. but NO of course shigaraki had to stop me. "bro, wtf" I looked at him, he at me. "don't do that kiddo. while you are here you can kill others and hurt them as bad as you want. but hurting yourself is just weak." and with that i walked over to that man. I looked at him and smiled. "what do you want kid? drugs? I can sell you some, but that will cost a bi-" i stabbed him into his stomach, twice. and then his neck and his heart. "AAAAAaaAA" he cried out in pain and eventually died. I didn't really have a fuck about it so I just walked back to him.

"soo do you have some iced water?" he laughed, why was he laughing? "yeah we have some at the bar lats head back" he said as he slowly stopped laughing. a few seconds later a purple portal appeared and we walked trough it, and were instantly greeted by Toga. "shiggiiiiiiiiii! where were you?? I was worried about youu" it kinda looked like Toga was drunk. her face was red and almost fell down if she didn't hold onto me. "go bother someone else Toga. I have other things to do." shigaraki said without looking at her. "ughhhhhh...you're no fun shigiii:<" and with that she left.

"go to your room and study" he suddenly said "why should I study? I don't even have any books with me" yes, I am really stubborn when it comes to studying. "okay, then don't." he said and walked away.

heloooo0oo! yes, I'm still alive. sorry that I didn't update for so long I was busy studying. but here I am, still alive! btw I got a boyfriend, my best friend sais that it's not a crush, it's love. I don't really care. but yeah he's the best thing that ever happened to me <3

pls vote if you liked this chapter <3

word count : 828

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