Part 13 - Jules

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Eddie was being so nice – well, nicer than he normally was – and it was driving me absolutely crazy. I tried my best efforts to be the full-fledged Jules – chatty and annoying. And it didn't stop him. It was like he enjoyed my presence now, even though it had been counter to everything that he had tolerated before.

And then he invited me to a party? I thought my stomach would drop right out of me when he asked – smiling and close to my face. He kept doing that – getting close to me so I could see the pupils in his dark eyes and smell the cloves he smoked mixed with his woodsy cologne. He smelled so nice, how hadn't I noticed it before?

I shook my head. Get it together, you moron.

I was desperate for a break from Eddie. It was strange – if you had told me a week ago that I was trying to escape Eddie's presence because he was being too nice, I wouldn't have believed you. He was actually talking to me – asking me questions, prodding me for more details on my stories that he normally hated.

I slipped back to Alan's office, throwing myself into the other chair he had in front of his desk. He looked up at me, unamused by my dramatics.

"What's wrong now, Jules? Eddie being mean again?"

"No, he's being nice," I groaned, burying my face in my hands. I could feel Alan roll his eyes.

"I can't fucking keep up with you, Jules. You complain for months to me that Eddie's too mean, and now he's too nice? How is this a problem?"

I was silent, screwing my eyes shut under my hands. Why was this a problem, Jules? You absolute fucking moron. The silence grew.

"Holy shit, you like Eddie."

My hands flew off my face and I stood.

"You can't say one thing, Alan!" I warned. His jaw was dropped, and he was gesturing wildly.

"You like Eddie! Oh my god, you like Eddie!"

"Stop it, Alan! You can't say anything to him, you have to promise!" I insisted, pointing at him. He looked like he was about to explode – he wanted to say something so badly but was forcing himself not to. He let out a deep breath.

"Fine!" he finally agreed, shaking his head. I let out a sigh of relief. He huffed, throwing himself back in his chair. He pointed to the door. "For spoiling my fun, you need to get back on the floor."

I groaned, panicked about having to go back out to Nice Eddie. I walked up to the counter as Eddie beamed at me, leaning over it.

"You sure you slept alright?" he asked again. My stomach dropped.

"Pretty sure!"

"You're extra fidgety today," he observed, raising an eyebrow. Shit – he had noticed.

"Oh – maybe I'm just not used to being friends!" I tried to joke, my voice shaking. He smiled wider and shrugged.

"My friendship is pretty sought after – I wouldn't risk it if I were you," he teased back as he winked. He was winking now? He needed to stop, or my one-sided crush was going to really break my heart. I felt heat creep up my face as I grabbed some records, heading to the different aisles to restock them.


Eddie had gone back to Alan's office, needing to get additional inventory for some out-of-stock albums. I was relieved to get a break, the butterflies in my stomach refusing to stop acting up. I took a deep breath, still internally admonishing myself.

The front door swung open, and Steve Harrington walked through, nervously running his hands through his hair. I smiled at him, thankful for the distraction.

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