Part 2 - Eddie

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I had been in love with Jules Mullin since the seventh grade.

Ever since she had stood up to some bully who had made fun of me for having holes in my shoes – it was when I was still living with my dad before he got carted off to prison. He was between jobs, and I felt guilty whenever I had to buy new clothes. I tried to make the sneakers last, but being a prepubescent boy meant constant running around, which led to the holes.

Jules didn't even know who I was when Greg Williams made fun of my footwear in front of the entire seventh grade homeroom. I was so embarrassed, wanting to curl into a ball of shame.

"Greg Williams, as if you have any room to talk – I don't think you've ever worn deodorant in your entire life," she snapped quickly. I looked to my protector, immediately smitten. Her hair was pulled tight into a long, dark ponytail, and she had her hands on her hips. "Why don't you worry about yourself before commenting on anyone else?"

Greg had sunk into his chair, now the one embarrassed as everyone directed their attention to him. Young Jules turned to me, smiling her bright, cheery smile before flashing me a thumbs up and sitting back down.

I spent the next four years watching her from a distance. I was too nervous to ever approach her, and someone as kind and bright as her would never ever have given me the time of day. She was moderately popular – she got along with everyone, always the sunshine in a room. I loved watching her during passing periods. She would chat with her friends, throwing her head back in laughter, genuinely joyful when people would stop her in the hallways to say hello.

We had managed to always have homeroom together because of how close our last names were in the alphabet. I stayed pressed to the back on any classroom, wanting to avoid any potential interaction with a teacher. She was the kind of student who sat at the front, taking intense notes. I would have called her a nerd to my friends if I hadn't been so taken with her.

I was beyond disappointed when I walked into homeroom for my junior year (the first time around) and didn't see Jules anywhere. I tried to casually ask some cheerleader who was sitting next to me where she was – I was then informed that Jules' parents had decided to send her to a fancy private school for the remainder of her high school career.

I spent the next four years (thanks, Ms. O'Donnell) trying to forget about Jules Mullin – I was never going to see her again. She was at a fancy school, and would go to a fancy college, and move to a fancy city. I grew my hair out, worked on my metal band. I started Hellfire Club, creating a safe haven for freaks like me.

So, I was shocked when I walked in for my first shift at The Sound and saw my childhood crush at the front counter, smiling brightly at me. And then my childhood crush became a full-fledged adult crush, right in that moment.

I had reached out to Alan for a job – he was one of my favorite clients when I sold weed. My supplier had just gotten arrested, though, so I had no way to earn cash. Alan offered me a clerk job at his record shop – somewhere he had often told me about, but I had yet to visit. I graciously accepted.

I remember Jules greeting me that first day, and I mumbled that I needed to see Alan. She pointed to the office door, offering to walk me back. I rudely refused, forgetting how to behave like an actual human being. I made a beeline towards the office, knocking before entering. Alan stood to greet me.

"Is that Jules Mullin out front?" I asked, not even responding to his greeting. He furrowed his brows.

"Yeah, that's Jules – she's worked here for the last two years. She's great," he crossed his arms. "How do you know her?"

"Oh, just from school a couple years ago," I tried to rush through my answer, not wanting to expand on it. He cocked his head to the side, and then his eyes widened in realization.

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