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Aizawa walked towards the row of ambulances straight past the triage area and up to where Recovery Girl was standing still holding the pup securely. Only after she was in his arms did he realize that her lips were blue from the cold realizing that she was most definitely suffering from hypothermia. "Chiyo," he said when he was right behind her getting the youthful hero's attention. "She is hyperthermic." He said stooping down so she could get a look at the girl. The girl buried herself in the man's chest hiding from the woman. "It's okay she is the Youthful Heroine Recovery Girl." He said carefully reaching his hand up off her back and rubbing her ear to calm her.
"Shota follow me this way." Recovery girl said when she saw the look of the girl, and leading him towards an ambulance. She carefully stepped up into the back of it offering her hand to help Aizawa up as he couldn't use his hands to step in. She grabbed his elbow helping him to step in. "Sit her down on the stretcher." She said pointing to the small bed.
I understood what she ment and sat down leaning back with the girl in my arms.

**Aizawa's P.O.V.**

I followed Chiyo's directions trying to sit her down on the bed, but the girl's reaction was extremely volatile as she gripped onto him sobbing and shaking her head no. She wouldn't let me go and started shaking when I had my arms off of her. Her sobs were heart wrenching as she refused to release her hold on him. "Maybe it would be best if you sat down on the stretcher with her in your arms it would be better." Chiyo said looking at me pointedly. I understood that it was more of an order than a request and sat down leaning back until I was streched out with the girl.
The girl currled into my chest completely now that I was laying back almost as if she were trying to hide herself. Chiyo looked at her with pity and then backed at me. "Okay little," she froze looking at her not knowing what to call the girl. The girl didn't move to make any indication that she had heard her.
"Hey, little one can you tell me your name, please?" I asked as softly as possible rubbing the small place behind her right ear, which seemed to easy her, even if only a little. She looked up at me, eyes then darting over to Chiyo as if she were a danger before clumsily signing one word.
"Thank you, Sora. I'm proud of you." I said quietly as though anything could break her, and in reality anything to sudden wpuld probably break her trust, that she had somehow found in me. Her eyes shined up at me.
"Alright, Little Ms. Sora I need to check your temperature, do you know how that is done?" Chiyo asked her gentaly already aware that the girl was very frightened. Sora looked at her, and then back up at me with something in her eyes I couldn't quite realize. Her eyes held wonders, and what seemed like the entire world. I nodded my head telling her that it was okay to answer and with my reassurance she shook her head no.
Sora kept her eyes on Chiyo unless she was looking up at me for reassurance to make sure it was okay. It was obvious that she was untrusting of the woman. "To get your temperature I'll take this device," she paused holding up a thermometer, "It goes under your tongue and reads what temperature your body is at. The regular human body temperature is about 37° C." Sora looked unsure not moving as Chiyo took a few steps forward. She looked up at me with what I could tell was uncertainty in her eyes.
"Would you like her to try it on me first?" I asked quietly. She nodded, if only slightly causing Chiyo to smile. Chiyo placed a plastic thermometer protector on the end and held it out to me. I opened my mouth letting it sit below my tounge until it beeped.
"35.8C, your awful close to hyperthermia yourself Shota." Chiyo said shooting me a look before moving towards the girl and replacing the protector with a new one. Sora opened her mouth and letting the thermometer sit under her tounge. It only took a few short secinds before it beeped. "Oh dear," Chiyo said looking me in the eyes. "Your quite hypodermic your temperature is 31.1°C." It felt as if my soul had frozen it's self as the Sora looked at him. He was careful not to let his emotions show. At 31°C the girl was close to losing consciousness, and the body quit shaking from the cold. Chiyo quickly grabbed a few emergancy blankets wrapping them around both of us. "I'm going to need to start an IV in your arm Sora. Thats where I take a small needle and put it into your skin and it gives you special medications to help you feel better, right now I need to give you some warm fluids to help slowly bring your temperature up." Chiyo said softly. Sora began to shake in my arms once again her punishing grip getting tighter on my shirt.
"Hey it's okay, it's okay. Chiyo will do on with me as well." I quickly said noticing that Chiyo had already grabbed two of everything she needed. Sora looked at me unsure as he held his hand out to Chiyo. Sora kept a close eye on everything that Chiyo was doing and when she had the needle coming towards my arm. Sora began to freak out again. Grabbing my arm and pulling it out of Chiyo's reach. She was trembling tears racing down her face as she shook her head no.
"N-n-no, you c-can't e-expir-ment on S-s-sir!" Sora 'screamed' though instead of actually screaming her voice came out scratchy and shaky. Tears streamed down her face. I shared a look with Chiyo knowing that there had to be more to the story.
"Hey, hey now no one is experiment on me, or you it's okay. Chiyo is trying to help us." I quickly said trying to calm her, but she just shook her head.
"B-bad people. B-bad m-man use i-it t-to ex-experiment on pe-people. On D-daddy and M-me, d-don't want it t-to h-happen t-to hero." She cried out as a pit formed in the bottom of my stomach threatening to make me sick.
"Shh, shh, calm down for me, look at me," I said pausing to get her attention. "No one here is going to experiment on you, me, or anyone else, I promise, do you know what a promise is?" I asked her rubbing her back through my jacket. She nodded her head. "Good, so you know what I'm saying is true. I will protect you, I promise." I said pulling her closer with me free arm. She finally began to relax looking at me with worry and fear in here eyes. I once again held my arm out to Chiyo again.
"Okay, what I'm going to do is a little stick into Eraserhead's arm, after that this small tube goes onto his skin, and the needle comes out. The hose connects to this tubbing and the tubbing is going to connect to this bag, which has a saline solution that will rehydrate him, yours will be like that as well." Chiyo explained as she walked through each step. Sora watched silently before fearfully streching her hand out to Chiyo. I smiled at her softly, which I have been told by most people is utterly terrifying, but seemed to reassure the girl. Chiyo very carefully inserted the IV cathider. As soon as Chiyo was done Sora pulled her arm back into herself and gripped back onto my shirt. Chiyo then walked her through all the next steps patiently as she put heart monitors, and oxygen monitors onto the both of us.
Chiyo turned to me when she was done. "I need to run real quick, and update the others, and then we well be on our way." Chiyo made sure to cathe my eye, with unspoken words. "Make sure you don't fall asleep deary while your this cold, please it can make you really sick." She said with a smile to Sora.
I nodded at her as she walked out. Sora seemed to really calm down the. Normally I bask in all the glory that is silence, but I didn't need her falling asleep on me so instead I decided to try and talk to her. "You said that mean men experimented on you? Can you tell me what you mean?." I asked not really wanting to press the child, but knowing haveing it out would be better in the long run. Her eyes fluttered as she looked at me, before a small nod.

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