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**Third person Pov**
Sora slept soundly in her momma's sleeping bag curled against him even with people all around them. Slowly the other teachers made their way up to Aizawa and the sleeping girl to hold small conversations, and ask how the adjustment was going. Aizawa never being much of one to speak himself let Hizashi do all the talking while he made sure that his pup was nice and warm.
"What do you think Sho?" Hizashi asked catching Aizawa's attention. The man just looked up not bothering to hide the fact that he hadn't been listening. His husband chuckled. "What do you think of going to the mall with Nem after Sora wakes up?" He asked with a small smile. They still had a lot they needed to get the small girl. She only had a few clothing items, but hadn't yet gotten anything for her bedroom, which uses to be Hizashi's study. They hadn't even gotten her a proper bed yet, as she refused to sleep away from them.
"As long as we leave if she gets to stressed I'm fine with it." Aizawa spoke quietly as the girl began to stir. She blinked her eyes open looking up at her momma from where she sat in his lap. "Good morning, did you have a good nap?" Aizawa asked her gentally. She nodded her head a yawn escaping her small mouth and fists softly rubbed at her eyes.
"Need to go to the restroom." She signed looking up at him to make sure he was paying attention.
"Zashi would you mind takeing Sora to the bathroom?" Aizawa asked his husband looking up at him, and unzipping the sleeping bag so that Sora could crawl out.
"Of course come on little listener!" He said taking her small hand.
"How is everything really going?" Nemuri asked as she watched Hizashi and Sora walk out of the room. Aizawa sighed a little focusing onto her.
"Honestly good, she is perfectly behaved, to well behaved, she asks for nothing, doesn't run around, doesn't make noise. She just sits next to one of us quietly and watches what we do. I feel so bad for her." He sighed looking one of his bestfriends in the eye. His thoughts preoccupied with the girl. "It's like she is afraid, or doesn't know how to do anything but sit there." The words making his stomach churn. Sora was never more than a foot away from him or his husband, but she didn't cause any trouble what so ever. Even the most perfectly behaved child made a mess. "She isn't a fussy eater, and she absolutely adores Hizashi, though that did take a few days. She was afraid of the cats the first time she saw them." A sad smile made its way across his face as he thought about how she ran to the other side of the room and hid behind his husband the first time one of the cats jumped up on the couch next to her. "She hasn't asked us for anything yet. She just kinda exists its kinda of like she is a full grown adult in the body of a child." He said.
"It sounds like it's going good then." Nemuri said unasured.
"For us yes, but I can't help but to wonder if it is going okay for her. She has attached herself to us, yes, but I can't help but wonder if we are giving her enough. We haven't been able to go to the stores with her yet, because we didn't want to overwhelm her. What we have found she likes generally is to watch news footage of heros in action and anilize them." He said.
"You two are doing great. At least she has showed the interest in that. Don't worry remember your the first real time she has been somewhere safe, she has never gotten to be a child so it is going to take her time to find out what she likes it's going to take her more time to trust. The fact that she already trust you shows so much." Nemuri said pumping up her friend knowing that what he was going throught had to be hard. Taking in a child and a danaged one at that was never easy.
"Momma I held it all the way to the potty!!" A sequel was let out as little feet shabbily ran towards Aizawa. Sora had been doing great at potty training conciedering that she hadn't had a bathroom to use up to this point in her life. Sora was so proud of herself as she wraped small arms around Aizawa's legs a brilliant smile across her face. Nemuri was starteled as she hadn't yet heard the girl speak.
"Good job Sora, I'm so so proud of you." He said putting on more enthusiasm the was possible for him and picking her up and spinning her about causing the girl to giggle. Nemuri smiled at the scene her sentance ringing ture with the fact of how much Sora loved the men.
"Mrs. Sora," Nemuri could only get that much out of her mouth before the young girls hid behind Aizawa's legs hissing at her. Nemuri sighed crouching down so she was on Sora's level not makeing any further moves. "I wanted to apologize for scaring you, I hope we can become friends." She said which caused Sora to tilt her head like a confused puppy would. She tugged at her mommy's pants leg before asking him what that word meant.
"Friends are people you like and can trust. Like Nemuri is mine and papa's friend. They are people you want to be around, and you feel safe with." Aizawa explained the best that he could. The girl nodded her head despite doubting if she would ever like Nemuri.

"No thank you scary person." She signed towards Nemuri causing Aizawa to laugh quite loudly. Hizashi was flabbergasted and everyone stared at the usually emotionless man trying to figure out what had made him laugh. "What's funny Momma?" Sora asked brows down and lips puckered to the side.
"It's funny how you told Nem no." He said smiling at the small girl. "Papa and I have a surprise for you. We are going somewhere." He fretted changing the conversation.
"And Aunt Nemuri, as well." Hizashi added on for his husband, which caused the girl to frown.

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