Saving you from yourself (boyxboy)

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"Mommy?" I said just before she walked out the door. We had just finished watching Finding Nemo. She was headed to work.

"Yes, Cyrus?" She looked down at me smiling, always having that patience with me about her.

"I love you." I smiled and hugged her tight around her waist, seeing as that was as high as my arms reached on her. She knelt down and kissed my forehead. I quickly wiped her mommy slobber off. "Yuck! Mommy!" I giggled.

"Love you too sweetie." She walked out and closed the door behind her. Her friend, Julian, my babysitter came and picked me up so we could go watch Fern Gully. I loved that movie too. He sat me down on the couch and put the movie on. I got bored halfway through, but I sat anyway and kept pretending to be interested for Julian. He had a big test in College tomorrow. He was planning on being some nuerowhatchamacallit. He said it had something to do with brains. I thought he might be a secret Zombie but I never told him that. I thought he might go for me first for knowing his secret. I was that clever of a ten year old. Later, after the movie it was bed time and Julian carried me up to bed.

"Promise me you won't eat my brain in my sleep Juli?"I knew he hated when I called him that, but I didn't care. I giggled.

"I Promise." He replied, chuckling.


He held out his pinky as he set me on my bed.

"I promise every night I'm here, Cyrus." He had slight irritation in his voice but managed to mask it with amusement as I grasped his pinky with my own.

He left my room and turned off my light. My only source of light was my changing Lava lamp. I stared at it and my power ranger posters and blankets and walls and, oh you get it. I was obsessed with power rangers. I eventually fell asleep.

Later that night, I woke up to Julian screaming. I bet he was angry because he had been deprived of his brains. I walked downstairs and he was on the phone, sobbing.

"No! She can't be gone! Not now!" He yelled into the phone.

"Juli?" I asked quietly, walking up to him silently in my red ranger PJs.

He jumped, startled to see me.

He quickly shook off the look on his face, and smiled at me weakly. "Cyrus, go to bed buddy..." He said quietly. Someone screamed out of the phone. "You don't get it Jen." He said. Someone yelled again. He hung up, threw the phone to the other side of the room and it broke.

I stared at him, shocked. "Juli, mommy is gonna be mad." I said. I started to get scared. Jen was mommy's sister...If Juli was screaming-"Juli, m-mommy is coming back right???"I hoped with all my heart he would say yes. It wasn't enough.

"No Cy. She isn't coming back...She's gone...She got T-boned on her way to work..." He started sobbing. I fell into his arms and he held me close. What would I do without my mommy...? We both cried, and cried, and cried. We never stopped crying until we passed out holding each other on the couch.

*six Years Later*

I sat in the car listening to Black veil Brides as Julian put the last of our bags in his Black Suburban. After a long, horrible custody battle, Julian got to keep me over Aunt Jen. I hated her. She was horrible to me every time I saw her. She called me stupid...She said my mom was a dumb teenager and a bunch of other terrible things when I knew she wasn't. I saw all her report cards. Julian showed me them. She was smarter than Jenifer in every way. Jenifer fought for me just for the extra income taxes at the beginning of the year, and food stamps. Jen was the stupid lazy one. She did nothing for herself. She depended on the government. Anyway, all that had been over for years. After my mom died...I lost it. I went berserk at school and had to be moved from that school to some other school. I never made any friends. . . I was hoping things would be different in this new city. Julian got his dream job and was a really good Neurosurgeon. So good he got hired in a major hospital in Charleston. He took the job immediately. I was glad to be getting out of this crappy Florida town. Not what many people would say, I know. I hated Florida. I hated heat. I wanted out of state. I wanted to get away from the memories, even though I knew they would follow me no matter what. I looked at the time. It was 2:45 PM. We were leaving right on time. We would arrive at Julian's new house in Charleston in the morning. His friend hooked him up with a real nice place, so we had nothing to worry about. All our Furniture etc. had been delivered. Julian came up front and got in.

"Hey bud." He said.

"Hey." I mumbled back.

Julian was the best. I wish I could be happier around him. Around everyone... He started driving to the interstate and I fell asleep soon after he began driving.

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