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- 3 month later -

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- 3 month later -

life never really changed for the past months . it always just missions after missions . nothing really happened between mikey and y/n . same with y/n and anyone to be honest . her and rindou kind of drift apart after that day. it was awkward between them . that never really affected her . considering that she never had feelings for rindou .

" we got a meeting today . "  sanzu informed y/n as they had dinner together . she only nod her head in acknowledgment.

" this salad taste alittle bland . " she said , playing with the pathetic pieces of vegetables on her plate .

" we can get something else . maybe pasta? or do you want steak- "

" its fine . " she paused him , a small smile on her lips . but he only stared at her .

" what? " she raised her brows at his expression . he was stunned . he had never seen her smile after knowing her personally for 3 months . she always had a straight face , or a monotone expression . he never thought she could look this beautiful with a smile .

" you should smile more . "

" what? "

" you look prettier " he said with a chuckle .

" shutup " she said jokingly trying to further contain her smile after hearing that , sarcastically rolling her eyes .


as they walked down the streets of tokyo back to mikey's office , y/n stopped at the sight of an arcade . it reminded her of the times her and mikey back when everything felt so dreamy. sanzu stopped bus tracks , realising y/n have been staring at the arcade for quite some time .

" what is it ? "

" hey sanzu... you wanna play? " she pointed at the arcade beside them .

" what?? we have a meeting and we're going to be late " she didn't move but look at him softly .

" fine " he sighed . he couldn't resist rejecting her request .


" MOVE FUCKER " sanzu shouted as y/n took his lane while they were playing one of those racing games .

" YOU JUST SLOW DUMBASS " with minimal effort she won .

" I WONNN " she had a huge grin at the sight of winning a simple arcade game . she hasn't had this much fun in awhile . a small smile appeared on sanzu's face went unnoticed seeing her get excited over winning.

" you owe me a favour now " she reminded him the bet they made . the loser would do something for the winner of the game and she won .

" yeah yeah . lets go now we're late "

" but i was good right? " she exclaimed as they both exited the arcade .

" not really "

" liar "  though the memories was simple . it would definitely be an unforgettable one to him .


upon entering the office , everyone was already here , including mikey himself . all attention were on them .

" sorry we're late . caught up with something. " mikey only nodded and told them to take a seat .


not longer after the meeting ended .

" y/n i would like to talk to you personally. " mikey said as he told everyone else to leave. she was taken aback , feeling her palms get sweaty from nervousness .

" what is it? "

" y/n... have we.... meet before? " his words cause her to freeze in her place . words could not leave her mouth .

" huh? "

" you always felt familiar to me. i just never figured out who . " is was her chance . she could choose to say everything and she could have all that she had lost once again .

" we... " she thought twice . he seemed like he was doing well without her . he has a girlfriend , a gang owned by him , a powerful name . does he even need her in his life again? will he even believe whatever she said? tears formed in her eyes unknowingly.

" no. we don't. " she said . with much pain in her heart . this was the choice she made . maybe he didn't need her . unsure if it was the right choice or not .

" oh . it was just me then. i apologise for holding you back. i just wanted to say you have been doing a good job . keep it up . you may leave . " with that he walked off , leaving the girl all alone with her thoughts . her heart hurt . knowing her dream of being with him again was crushed . she would never have a chance to tell him everything that held in her heart . she left the office with tears in her eyes as she sobbed .

" what happened? did you get a scolding? " sanzu was waiting for her outside the office. she looked at him but no words left her lips , just sobs .  he quickly brought her back to his car as she cried her heart out . he waiting patiently. unsure with what to do .

" im sorry its just.... complicated. " she said as she cleaned herself up , slightly embarrassed that she showed her vulnerable side to him . but he didn't mind it . infact it made him curious . what had she gone through that has possibly cause her to react in such a way . he found the need to know everything about her .

- days later -

" we have been doing exceptionally good this month . " mikey told sanzu as he looked through the progress for this month .

" yeah , all thanks to y/n " sanzu took a puff from his cigarette as suddenly he had the urge to ask mikey what exactly has happened that night aftee the meeting.

" about y/n , did u scolded her that night or something . "

" what? "

" i was just wondering . "

" do u like her sanzu? " mikey turned to face the strawberry haired male. he was stunned by that question. does he? he was someone that didn't believe in love . romance is dead . thats what he has always thought . no one would ever love a man with those scars near his lips . but with y/n he felt different.

" love is not real . " he bluntly said .

" really? so what if i kill her , you wouldn't care right? " sanzu's heart dropped hearing that .

" huh? "

" its time sanzu. "

" what why " with slight panic in his voice. something he never expected . even though bonten is well known for various murders , he was curious . why their own member. "

" we managed to get what we needed from her. she is no longer useful to us. the only way to make sure she doesn't spill any information regarding us to the traders is by killing her . " sanzu didn't know how to react . someone he has spent months with and the only girl he was truly able to be himself with .

" you'll help me kill her right? " mikey said with that cold stare . sanzu was known to be loyal. very loyal .

" is that the only way? " mikey did not say anything but jst only look at sanzu . but his eyes says it all . he was serious .

" fuck "

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