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it was another day at bonten. nothing special, just the members constantly checking up on sanzu.

" seriously, every fucking morning? " sanzu opened the door in annoyance. every morning a different member would be at his door asking for the same thing, work matters .

" you are the in charge " ran chuckled at the male .

" i've found their location "

" yeah yeah just text me it later and get the fuck out " sanzu groaned lighting up a cigarette, wearing simply a tee shirt and boxers .

" right you coming to my girl's party?" ran ask, also lighting up a cigarette he took from sanzu's stash.

" what party "

" tomorrow night, my girl friend's birthday party "

" who the fuck cares about your girl " sanzu was clearly not interested in things like that anymore. he'd rather stay in his crib getting high alone.

" come on man its been ages . how bout you go get some pussy "

" fuck off " sanzu rejected as he blew the smoke into ran's face .

" everyone's going, show some face . you're bonten's number 2 "

" and? "

" i'll get you a chick tomorrow "

" no "

" free room clean up? "

" no " ran sighed .

" all your drugs will be on me for the next month "

" now we talkin " sanzu sat up , tossing the finished cigarette somewhere in his room .

" 8 pm tomorrow, my club " with that ran left . sanzu isn't into stuff like that but free drug for a month? no way hes missing out on that offer . its been ages since he went to a party he almost forgot what it was like .

just as sanzu was deciding on what he could wear tomorrow,another knock on the door was heard.

" what the fuck now " to his surprise, it was his sister .

" senju? " senju mostly stayed in america for most of her life, she only came back once every few years and this was one of them.

" jez you look like you aged 50 years since the last time i saw you . and this place? " she couldn't stand the way her brother was. it was so unlike him. sanzu was known to be neat and clean despite being a gangster. he always dressed to impress.

" you came back for the party??" sanzu asked his sister.

" well yeah, i heard its gon be big one. you're going right? "

" forced "

" well you're not going like this.... right? " she asked referring to the facial hair he had since he had for the last few years and his outgrown barely even pink hair .

" im not there to impress "

" it's embarrassing... come on " she dragged him to the bathroom and began to shave his face, trim his very overgrown mullet and touch up his hair .

" what is this even for? "

" for you to get some pussy tomorrow " sanzu rolled his eyes . he doubt he'll even be interested in anyone.

" hows the girl you told me about " senju brought up. but he remained silent. not a good sign she thought.

" well on the bright side, there are plenty of fishes in the sea "

" shut up will you " sanzu scoffed . right, who in the right mind will fall in love with someone like him.


" and done " sanzu looked like himself again. the sanzu 5 years ago when he still had his life together. honestly, he couldn't remember when was the last time he looked so put together.

" thanks " he didn't care much about the party. after all he was just there to show face for ran.

" tell me if you get some tomorrow "

" shut the fuck up "


the night came faster than expected. sanzu combed his hair slightly, put on his usual vest and button up , along with a little cologne and he was ready to go.


the moment he stepped into the party, his head hurt from the loud music. its been way to long. he was not use to this anymore.

" hey haruchiyo " rindou waved at the male to get him to join them in the vip room .

" didnt expect you to come " kokonoi laughed as they had already started drinking.

" come on sanzu have fun alittle " rindou poured him a shot which he downed in a second .

" anyone caught your attention tonight? " ran questioned as sanzu just shrugged, taking another shot .

" you owe me a month of weed though "

" yeah yeah, atleast have fun alittle "

" i heard mikey is coming " rindou added . sanzu groaned at how boring it was. maybe parties are not his thing anymore.

" imma go to the restroom for alittle " he wanted to get somewhere alittle quieter to get high. without a doubt he would always carry a small bag of weed with him . as he step out of the vip room, it was crowded. people literally grinding on each other on the dance floors while some getting completely wasted .

" fuck this party " he exited the club, wanting to get some fresh air away from the suffocating place . the quiet surrounding weren't good either. it reminded him of them. this was where he first taught her her first mission. how they had their first real interaction which led to all of this. his thoughts were killing him. in defeat he walked back into the club but headed straight for the bar .

" vodka " his shot was served immediately which he downed .

" hey handsome wanna drink together? " he didn't know who she was , a random chick .

" who the fuck are you "

" does it matter? i can be your company if you're alone " i mean she had a pretty face .

" yeah yeah whatever." he thought this random chick could have some use for his boredom.

" tell me more about yourself " he added , yet again downing another shot. as she was blabbing all about herself, someone from afar caught his attention. he wasn't sure if it was the alcohol getting to him but it was someone rather familiar. way too familiar

finally a new chapter on this book 🥲

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